Better Questing Tweaker (BQTweaker)

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Tweaker mod to change some aspects of BetterQuesting.

Current Features:

   - Adds a button to the home page of BetterQuesting to toggle quest notifications from being displayed.
   - Redesigns the questline page.
   - Adds right-click context menus for adding/editing tasks and opening the questline designer.
   - Wraps tasks of each quest into a single page to allow for scrolling instead of clicking page-to-page.
   - Wraps the description and rewards of each quest into a single page to allow for scrolling instead of clicking page-to-page.
   - Adds a keybind for quickly returning to the previous page (Backspace by default.)
   - Adds client-side embedding of links and images into quest descriptions, see below for details.
   - Re-adds designer button to questline page.
   - Adds patch for compatibility with MoBends to prevent stuttering models in task previews.
   - Config allows for everything to be enabled/disabled.

Description Embedding (As of 1.3.0):

   You are able to add embeds (Images and Links) through quest descriptions using this mod.
   This is detected and rendered on the client-side only, and does not modify the BQ Database.
   This means BQ Tweaker can be removed and it will not break your quests.

   Embeds are set by specifying an embed type and the embed arguments separated by semi-colons (;), surrounded by {Embed} at the beginning and end;
       Image Embed Argument Example: {Embed}TypeImage;<ResourceLocation>;<DisplayWidth>;<DisplayHeight>;<ImageWidth>;<ImageHeight>{Embed}
       Link Embed Argument Example: {Embed}TypeLink;<WebsiteLink>;<DisplayWidth>;<DisplayHeight>;<ButtonText>{Embed}

   The embed text will be automatically detected and removed from the description itself.
   Multiple embeds of both links and images are allowed, and will be inserted into the description based on where they are placed in the text.
   See the images tab for in-game examples.

This mod is currently only required client-side, but shouldn't cause issue if placed on a server. If you have any suggestions for additional changes, please suggest them. Some of these features are fairly experimental, if you encounter any bugs please report them to the github. Please direct any issues and suggestions to the github, linked through the issues tab at the top of the page.