Book Wyrm

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Book Wyrms are small Neutral mobs from Defiled Lands. Their appearance is a cross between a crocodile and a turtle.


Golden Book Wyrm:


  • They retaliate by attacking as a group to one of their own being harmed
    • Having enough damage to kill one in one hit negates this
  • They make loud hissing sounds
  • They can consume  Enchanted Books to spit out new ones
  • The book it spits out is random but affected by Enchanting Level and whether it is Golden See: #Properties


Book Wyrms are a unique mob with a useful utility. They allow the player to recycle  Enchantment Books into potentially more useful ones.

Using a Book Wyrm Analyzer.png Book Wyrm Analyzer displays a Book Wyrm's stats and qualities:

  • Digesting Time: How long -in ticks- it takes for it to digest one Digested Level, ranging from 255 to 1
  • Digested Levels: How many levels in  Enchanted Books the Book Wyrm has digested and has at its disposal. Every book has its own value, ranging from 0 to 30
  • Enchanting Level: What level of books the Book Wyrm can produce, ranging from 0 to 30
  • Mating Time: How long until it can mate. Mating has a 5min cooldown
    • A newborn takes to mature 20min before it can mate
  • Golden Status: If the Book Wyrm is golden, it will mention it having special hide
A golden book wyrm.

Golden Book Wyrm

Golden Book Wyrm is a rare variant with the added bonus of being able to spit out treasure enchants such as Mending. They are a 1% chance from normal breeding or naturally spawning, a 4% Chance when one Golden Book Wyrm breeds with regular one, and a 10% chance when two Golden Book Wyrms breed.


  • Book Wyrms spawn in groups in a Defiled Biome during chunk generation
  • Naturally spawned Wyrms have Enchanting Levels between 3 and 6 and Digesting Times between 160 and 240 ticks See: #Properties




The NBT tags for the important attributes are Digest(0-255), MaxLvl(0-30) and Golden(true/false).

To spawn a bookwyrm with specific attributes use for example

/summon defiledlands:book_wyrm ~ ~ ~ {Golden:true, MaxLvl:30, Digest:1}