Incompatible Enchantments

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Enchanting is a great way to increase your power in RLCraft. Enchanted gear can increase both your survivability and damage output, allowing you to kill stronger mobs and survive bigger hits. Enchantments can also greatly increase quality of life by making it easier to farm loot, move around your world and make the game more enjoyable. Enchantments are added by Aquaculture, Better Survival, Defiled Lands, So Many Enchantments, Spartan Shields, Spartan Weaponry, Switch-Bow, and Simple Difficulty. Vanilla enchantments will not be listed in this article as extensive information can be found on the Minecraft Wiki. Unfortunately some enchantments are incompatible with others for either conflicting use cases or for balance reasons so those will be listed below.

A full sheet of incompatibilities can be found here:

Name Function Incompatible with
Adept Multiplies XP drops. Multiple is decreased when target is a boss


Education Greatly increases the amount of experience you get from killing enemies. Does not work with bosses Looting

Advanced Looting


Luck Magnification Increases players luck Critical Strike
Ash Destroyer Deals extra damage if the target is on fire Critical Strike

Fiery Edge


Reviled Blade

Mortalitas For each death caused by a weapon with this enchantment, the user will have their base damage increased, and the one attacked will have their base damage decreased. The damage can be increased/decreased by a maximum of 8 Damage points. Viper


Ash Destroyer

Luck Magnification (2.9.3)

Advanced Protection Advanced Version (Level * 24% damage reduction; maximum of 80%) All other Protection Enchants
Smelter Harvesting a block will give you its smelted variant. Works with Fortune. Sneaking while mining disables the enchant temporarily. Smelting

Silk touch

Supreme Smite Strongest Tier of Smite (5 * Level) Sharpness
Diamonds Everywhere Any ore you mine has a small chance to drop diamonds. Confirmed ores: Coal Ore; Lapis Lazuli Ore; Diamond Ore; Redstone Ore; Emerald Ore; Nether Quartz Ore;Cincinnasite Ore; Heart Crystal Ore Fortune
Pull-Speed Decreases Draw Time Only works on Switch-bow
Swifter Slashes Gives additional attack speed and a chance to pierce enemies cooldown, allowing you to attack rapidly Knockback
Arc Slash Variant of Sweeping Edge that is not affected by weapon cooldown Sweeping Edge
Strafe Increases bow draw speed Infinity
Smelting Smeltable block drops are smelted when mined. Smelter

Silk Touch