No Tree Punching

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The "No Tree Punching" Mod is a mod that disables players from punching trees as a method of gaining wood as well as disabling some methods of making wood planks via the crafting menu, etc.

It adds multiple new items, along with different methods of gathering the player's first blocks of wood via the Flint Hatchet. Which is crafted from 1x Flint Shard 1x Plant String and 1x Stick.

Other Flint items are crafted similarly to this.

Wooden planks are obtained by chopping the top face of the log by right clicking with a axe, or they can still be crafted classically and more efficiently by using a saw in the crafting grid with a log.

( All modded items in the "No Tree Punching" Mod )

Along with this, it also removes the function of getting Cobblestone and other blocks similar to it immediately after mining a smooth or untampered version of it. It instead gives "Pebble" versions of the previously smashed block.

Cobblestone and other similar blocks can be crafted by placing 4x Rocks in a 2 x 2 formation.

Rocks of most types can also be found scattered along the ground in the wild. Allowing players to get cobblestone without ever having to actually break stone.

No Tree Punch 2.png

How to cut items with knife: right click while holding the item you want to cut in the main hand and a knife on the other (or vice-versa)