RLCraft Wiki:Projects/Article Version Project

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Edit: As of writing (April 21, 2020) it seems unlikely that there will be any hotfixes coming out thus I declare this project as started. I hope that this will be a success and remember: any and all help is welcome!

Sincerely <MrCrackerplays> (Administrator) talk / contr 22:04, April 21, 2020 (UTC)

Hey all, as you might know rlcraft 2.8.2 is currently in its testing phase. This means that when it's released, existing pages might contain out-of-date information.

As you might've guessed by the title of this project there's now an Article Version template to make readers aware that the page might not yet be up to date. However, because this template is new it isn't yet added to most pages (only 1 page as of writing this). That's where this project comes into play; when 2.8.2 is released I'd like to ask for as much people's help to add this template to the top of every article, and if possible to update any outdated info on those pages.

The reason why I suggest the template to only get added to all pages after release is that it's possible that there will be changes to the current test build. So to prevent outdated information as much as possible it's probably the best to wait until a couple days after the update drops (in case of any hotfixes being made after release).

Sincerely <MrCrackerplays> (Administrator) talk / contr 18:34, March 17, 2020 (UTC)

Pages without the template