RLCraft Wiki (website)

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(History of Wiki icons, Type - Wiki, Online encyclopedia, Owner?, Creator?, Founded, Current Status, Website)

The RLCraft Wiki is an online encyclopedia which contains RLCraft modpack changes and additions to Minecraft and is maintained by the modpack's voluntary community. As a smaller community, responsible contribution of its users to shape this website into useful and comprehensible guide for contents of the modpack cannot be valued enough.


The RLcraft Wiki runs on the MediaWiki software, also used by Wikipedia and many other large wikis. Like other wikis, the content on the RLCraft Wiki is created by volunteers and almost all pages are open to be edited by anyone. There are also a number of admins with certain capabilities such as being able to delete pages, but otherwise behave like other editors.

Recent edits on the wiki are shown in the Recent Changes page, where they can be reviewed and corrected if necessary. Every edit to a page is also listed in its "page history" view (accessible under the dropdown next to the "Edit/"View source" button on Desktop view).

Content on the wiki is divided into different "namespaces", which are specified as prefixes in the page title. There are many namespaces that are "behind the scenes" and do not directly serve content to readers, including "File", containing all of the images, audio and other files uploaded to the wiki; "Template", containing code that allows complex content to be more added and modified on articles; and "Category", which allows pages to be organized into categories.

Every page also has an attached "Talk:" page for discussion on that particular page. This allows wiki editors to participate in discussions without having to use a different platform, and for past discussions to be searchable on the wiki itself. The majority of larger decisions are reached through community discussion rather than being decided by a single admin or editor.


more detailed history about the wiki's internal processes could be added here

  • Creation date and all changes that were made
  • RLCraft discord wiki community creation dates and links
  • Fandom
  • Migration to wiki.gg

Wiki statistics

  • 5,355 pages
    • 1,000 articles
  • 531,900 registered users
    • 10 active users
  • 2,704 files
  • 17,119 edits
  • 19 admins


