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To use this template, add the {{Furnace}} template and fill in the appropriate fields. Depending on the skin used this template's content is either {{Furnace/desktop}} or {{Furnace/mobile}} and edits to the template should be made on those pages*.

*With the exception of editing parameters, in which case the base template should also be edited.


|Input=	|Input-image=	|Input-link=	|Input-amount=
|Fuel=	|Fuel-image=	|Fuel-link=	|Fuel-amount=
|Output=	|Output-image=	|Output-link=	|Output-amount=
Parameter Function Default/Example value
float Float style of the template None
(Gridcoordinate) The name of the item at a specific gridcoordinate None
(Gridcoordinate)-image The image used for an item at a specific gridcoordinate ((Gridcoordinate)'s value).png if it exists else 'Missing Texture.png'
(Gridcoordinate)-link What page clicking on the item at a specific gridcoordinate links to ((Gridcoordinate)'s value)
(Gridcoordinate)-amount The amount of items that go in that slot for the recipe None

Sample output

Raw Fish Fillet
Cooked Fish Fillet
|Input=Raw Fish Fillet|Input-image=Raw Fish Fillet.png|Input-link=	|Input-amount=
|Fuel=	|Fuel-image=	|Fuel-link=	|Fuel-amount=
|Output=Cooked Fish Fillet|Output-image=Cooked Fish Fillet.png|Output-link=	|Output-amount=