Tool Belt

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The Tool Belt craftable Bauble added by Tool Belt that is worn on the Belt slot. It is a great item that stores any unstackable items and even displays them on your character. To use the Tool Belt hold R (default) move your mouse to the item or action you want to do. You can either click left mouse button or simply release R to switch items. It can hold 2 items without being upgraded with Belt Pouches

The Tool Belt requires level 4 Agility before it can be worn

Due to it's ability to effectively increase a players inventory size it is a good bauble to use even in late-game


The Tool Belt is crafted with 5 Leather, 2 String, and 1 Iron Ingot

Tool belt crafting.png


The Tool Belt can be upgraded by combining it with Belt Pouches at an Anvil. Each Belt Pouch added will increase the number of slots the Tool Belt has by 1 and increase the amount of levels the next upgrade will cost. A total of 7 Belt Pouches can be added to the Tool Belt for total of 9 slots. Here is a table showing the number of upgrades and cost:

Upgrading Tool Belt
Upgrades Slots Level Cost
0 (base) 2 N/A (crafted)
1 3 3
2 4 5
3 5 8
4 6 12
5 7 15
6 8 20
7 9 30

Note the level cost is the cost for that upgrade so upgrade 1 costs 3 levels to get the 3rd slot while upgrade 7 costs 30 levels to unlock the 9th slot

Advanced Usage

There are many tricks to using the Tool Belt in the most efficient way. It can hold ANY unstackable item, not just weapons, so filled buckets, shields, lycanites tools/weapons, and even healing items added by Rough Tweaks are all examples of items that can be stored in a Tool Belt. Here are some of the best items to keep permanently in your Tool Belt

  • Bucket of Water - You have to drink in RLCraft constantly so it's nice to be able to take water with you on-the-go! Bonus, empty buckets are stackable and can't go back in so the Tool Belt will help you remember to pick up your water
  • Shovel/Pickaxe/Axe - RLCraft is not really supposed to be played like regular Minecraft, but you should still carry these tools with you to make traveling a little easier. In the early-to-mid section of the game consider making yourself an Iron Paxel at the Equipment Forge to combine all these tools into one unbreakable iron tool.
  • Potion Ring of Regeneration - While this won't do you any good in the middle of a fight, this is an excellent item to keep around to heal up. This is a mid- to late-game item, but you can store Rough Tweaks healing items in your belt until you can make one.
  • Spare Tool Belts - If you are planning a long trip it may be a good idea to create a few extra Tool Belts, upgrade them, and put them in a summoned Mount so you can hold all your enchanted books