Wither Ring

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The Wither Ring grants immunity to withering when attacking wither inflicting enemies and can heal the player.


The Wither Ring is best used in mid game stage as it's useful immunity to the Wither effect makes it very useful to fend off mobs that inflict said effect. With the Wither Immunity, it also comes with a chance to heal a heart when hitting a mob with the Wither effect. You can only wear one Wither ring at a time, trying to put another Wither Ring on a second ring bauble slot is useless.


Glowing Ingot Steel Ingot Glowing Ingot
Steel Ingot Dragon Wither skeleton Steel Ingot Wither Ring
Glowing Ingot Steel Ingot Glowing Ingot


  • This, along with the other rings in Trinkets and Baubles, now have an updated texture in 2.9 RLCraft.