Advanced Hook Launchers

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This mod adds different hooks with launchers which give you the ability to climb, abseil, jump off the cliffs, pull entities or players, and even slay dragons!

The ForgeEndertech library is required for this mod.

Items Added

Controls (taken from the original page)

The Hook Launcher recipe, required for all hooks. You can use the JEI to see the recipes.

Main hand

  • Launch - press Left Mouse Button
  • Reel / Unhook - press Left Mouse Button while holding Left Shift
  • Pull - press or hold Left Mouse Button
  • Loosen - press or hold Left Mouse Button while holding Left Control


  • Launch - press Right Mouse Button
  • Reel / Unhook - press Right Mouse Button while holding Left Shift
  • Pull - press or hold Right Mouse Button
  • Loosen - press or hold Right Mouse Button while holding Left Control

Extra controls

  • Swing - use A-W-S-D to build momentum
  • Jump Boost - while pulling, press Left Shift holding Space
  • Tarzan Jump - while swinging, double tap Space
  • Release - being grappled by another player, press Left Mouse Button holding Left Shift (when riding, just left-click)

Launcher Prototype

Base for launchers.

Pudge Hook Launcher

Its pull is strong, and is good for fighting against projectile enemies like Skeletons, if you are missing arrows or like to fight with melee weapons. It is also good against flying mobs like Cacodemons - though be careful, as you could be pulled into the air.

The Pudge Hook Launcher recipe

When you are closer than 5 blocks to the enemy, it does 2-4 points of damage, scaling higher the closer you are.

The Pudge Hook Launcher's properties (taken from the original mod page):

  • hooks entities and players
  • dismounts riding entities
  • auto-pulling
  • medium distance
  • high hook strength
  • high fire resistance

Spear Hook Launcher

As the name says, it has a spear that deals 2 points of damage at any range[source?]. It can hook blocks, pull entities, and break glass and leaves. Its pulling strength is weaker than the Pudge Hook, and so it usually doesn't pull you towards the enemy instead.

The Spear Hook Launcher recipe.

Spear Hook Launcher properties:

  • long distance
  • medium rope elasticity
  • medium fire resistance
  • makes damage to entities on hit
  • can be used for climbing

Web Hook Launcher

The Web Hook Launcher is very useful for climbing, exploring, or swinging trough the neighborhood. Due to its elasticity, it can be used to propel yourself out of a ravine. You could also use it to pull a mob without hurting it, similar to a lead.

It doesn't stick to sand, so the Spear Hook would be more useful in deserts and such.

Web Hook Launcher properties (from original page):

  • sticks to any surface (except sand)
  • long distance
  • high rope elasticity
  • low fire resistance
  • useful for climbing and jumping (running) off a cliff
  • safe for other players (makes no damage)

ru:Advanced Hook Launchers