Advanced Rune Reader

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The Advanced Run Reader, from Forgotten Items, allows players to identify the crafting recipe and what they are crafting for from a crafting rune for each item in the Forgotten Items mod.


The Advanced Rune Reader is crafted with 1 Rune Reader, 1 Block of Gold, 1 Obsidian, 2 Blocks Of Emerald, and 4 Blocks of Quartz.

Block of Emerald Block of Gold Block of Emerald
Block of Quartz Rune Reader Block of Quartz Advanced Rune Reader
Block of Quartz Obsidian Block of Quartz


Upon placing a Crafting Rune in the bottom slot a crafting recipe will appear, unlike with the basic rune reader, you will be told what you are crafting for. the crafting recipe will vary from Crafting Rune to Crafting Rune, and the recipe will be different in each world. By placing the requested items in a crafting table you will revive one off the items from the Forgotten Items mod.