Forgotten Items

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Forgotten Items is a mod that adds several discoverable Crafting Runes that can be read by Rune Readers to craft powerful and useful items. Each of the 23 color variants of rune corresponds to a specific craftable Item. Each Forgotten Item's recipe is randomized per world, forcing the player to find the scattered runes to be able to craft these powerful items. Each item has a "core" item that is always present and consistent, and is always placed within the center of the Crafting Table.

Note that on Multiplayer, players can share the recipes with others but players will be unable to craft the item until they themselves have put the rune into a Rune Reader.

Rune Readers

Rune Reader

The standard Rune Reader allows you to read the recipe any Crafting Rune contains, but will be unable to display what specific items will be produced.

Stone/Traverse Rocks Block of Diamond Stone/Traverse Rocks
Crafting Rune Block of Quartz Crafting Rune Rune Reader
Stone/Traverse Rocks Block of Redstone Stone/Traverse Rocks

Advanced Rune Reader

Advanced Rune Reader provides the recipe contained inside the Crafting Rune, along with what is produced

Block of Emerald Block of Gold Block of Emerald
Block of Quartz Rune Reader Block of Quartz Advanced Rune Reader
Block of Quartz Obsidian Block of Quartz

Runes and Their Items

Special Pickaxes

Explosion Pickaxe

Explosion Pickaxe.pngRune Explosion Pick.png

Creates an explosion when breaking blocks

Core Item: Diamond Pickaxe

Gamble Pickaxe

Gamble Pickaxe.pngRune Gamble Pick.png

When destroying a block, there is a chance to either duplicate it ore destroy it

The chances of a block duplicating instead of destroying is increased when the Fortune enchantment is applied.

Core Item: Diamond Pickaxe

Vein Pickaxe

Vein Pickaxe.pngRune Vein Pick.png

Vein Mines the block broken

Any block of the same type connected to what this pickaxe mines will also be mined 6 blocks away from the block broken in every direction. The blocks must be connected for the effect to apply.

The "Vein Mine" effect applies to any block broken with this pickaxe, including blocks that are not mined "efficiently" with one.

Core Item: Explosion Pickaxe

Hasty Pickaxe

Hasty Pickaxe.pngRune Hasty Pick.png

More advanced than gold

Mines blocks fast

Core Item: Golden Pickaxe

Obsidian Harvester

Obsidian Harvester.pngRune Obsidian Harvester.png

Very useful for mining Obsidian

Mines Obsidian faster than normal.

Core Item: Hasty Pickaxe

Bound Tools

Bound Pickaxe.png Rune Bound Pickaxe.png

Bound Axe.pngRune Bound Axe.png

Bound Shovel.pngRune Bound Shovel.png

Stays in the inventory on death.

These are tools that stay on the player, even after death. Their default color is a grayish-white, and their color changes depending on the player the crafts the tool. The moment the tool is crafted, the item binds to the player and gains its color. The color the tools attain for each player is consistent regardless of the world. Bound tools can only be picked up by the player they have been binded to. The tooltip will display whether or not a tool is Bound to someone, and who the tool is Bound to.

If the player changes their username after having crafted a Bound tool, the Bound tool will no longer be Bound to that player, and the player will be unable to pick up these tools

The Core Items for the Bound Pickaxe, Bound Axe and Bound Shovel are all Diamond Tools of their corresponding type

Armor Items

Golem Armor

Golem Helmet.pngRune Golem Helmet.png

Golem Chestplate.pngRune Golem Chestplate.png

Golem Leggings.pngRune Golem Leggings.png

Golem Boots.pngRune Golem Boots.png

Hard Like a Rock

Golem Armor is currently, as a set, the strongest armor in the game. The model for the current Armor was designed by Artsycrafty.

The Core Items for the Golem Helmet, Golem Chestplate, Golem Leggings and Golem Boots are pieces of Diamond Armor of the corresponding type.

This set uses Steel Ingots as it's Quality Tools reforge ingredient.

Cushioned Boots

Cushioned Boots.pngRune Cushioned Boots.png

Soften your fall

Greatly reduced damage taken from falling

Core Item: Leather Boots

Life Belt

Lifebelt.pngRune Lifebelt.png

Float on water

Prevents the wearer from sinking in water

Core Item: White Wool

Gems and Talismans


Shock Gem

Shock Gem.pngRune Shock Gem.png

Heat Gem

Heat Gem.pngRune Heat Gem.png

Water Gem

Water Gem.pngRune Water Gem.png

Wind Gem

Wind Gem.pngRune Wind Gem.png

Ender Gem

Ender Gem.pngRune Ender Gem.png

It glows and sparkles

Gems are used as Core Items in crafting or repairing their respective Talismans. All Gems have Emeralds as their Core Items.


Shock Talisman

Shock Talisman.pngRune Shock Talisman.png

Converts fall damage into an explosion

The more fall damage you would have taken, the bigger the explosion. Good for excavating and surviving falls, but also potentially a tool for griefing and server crashing.

Core Item: Shock Gem

Heat Talisman

Heat Talisman.pngRune Heat Talisman.png

Stores extreme amount of heat

Right click on a lava bock to "fill" the talisman, then use the filled talisman on any block to turn it into whatever it would be if put in a furnace

(It's an instant mobile furnace).

Core Item: Heat Gem

Water Talisman

Water Talisman.pngRune Water Talisman.png

Places a water block

Can place water where where ever the player uses it until it runs out of durability.

Core Item: Water Gem

Wind Talisman

Wind Talisman.pngRune Wind Talisman.png

Fly with the wind

Propels the user forward in a flight like motion, similar to rockets. It is best used with an Elytra.

Core Item: Wind Gem

Ender Talisman

Ender Talisman.pngRune Ender Talisman.png

Teleports you where you're looking

Has a radius of 50 blocks

Core Item: Ender Gem