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Alchemy is a feature added by Rustic that adds Alchemic Condensers, which are used to make Elixirs. The Alchemic Condenser makes level 1 Elixirs while the Advanced Alchemic Condenser makes level 2 Elixirs. Brewing is done by putting valid ingredients into the ingredient slots, and supplying the condenser with enough fuel, water and Glass Bottles to brew.

Alchemic Condensers

  • Alchemic Condenser
    • Requires two Alchemic Retorts, one on each side
  • Advanced Alchemic Condenser
    • Requires three Advanced Alchemic Retorts, one on each side and one behind


  • Elixir of Instant Health
  • Elixir of Regeneration
  • Elixir of Wither
  • Elixir of Night Vision
  • Elixir of Speed
  • Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Elixir of Health Boost
  • Elixir of Haste
  • Elixir of Strength
  • Elixir of Feather
  • Elixir of Blazing Trail


A Condenser must have Retorts on both sides facing the condenser in order to operate. The slot on the right side of the GUI is for water. which can be filled or emptied by right-clicking the block with a Water Bucket, or by shift-right-clicking the block with an empty hand to discard all stored fluid. The slot on the bottom middle is for solid fuels. The slot on the top-right of the GUI is for Glass Bottles. The large slot below that is the output slot, where finished Elixirs appear. The slots on the left are for ingredients.