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Rustic is a mod that adds rustic medieval-themed content to the game. Its main focuses are on decoration, agriculture, brewing and alchemy. Rustic adds new wood, stone and clay blocks, furniture, new crops and tree fruits which can be used to brew alcohol and herbs used for elixirs.


Rustic features include:

  • Materials (Rustic)

Blocks added by Rustic:

  • Stone Pillar
  • Andesire Pillar
  • Diorite Pillar
  • Granite Pillar
  • Iron Decorational Chain
  • Iron Candle
  • Iron Candle Lever
  • Iron Chandelier Ring
  • Golden Decorational Chain
  • Golden Candle
  • Golden Candle Lever
  • Golden Chandelier Ring
  • Silver Decorational Chain
  • Silver Candle
  • Silver Candle Lever
  • Silver Chandelier Ring
  • Clay Wall
  • Crossed Clay Wall
  • Diagonal Clay Wall
  • Pot
  • Barrel
  • Iron Lattice
  • Iron Lantern
  • Golden Lantern
  • Silver Lantern
  • (Color) Painted Wood
  • Gargoyle
  • Cabinet
  • Liquid Barrel
  • Fertile Soil
  • Olive Wood Planks
  • Ironwood Planks
  • Olive Wood
  • Ironwood
  • Olive Leaves
  • Ironwood Leaves
  • Olive Sapling
  • Ironwood Sapling
  • Crushing Tub
  • Drying Basin
  • Olive Wood Fence
  • Ironwood Fence
  • Olive Wood Fence Gate
  • Ironwood Fence Gate
  • Olive Wood Slab
  • Ironwood Slab
  • Olive Wood Stairs
  • Ironwood Stairs
  • Alchemic Condenser
  • Alchemic Retort
  • Advanced Alchemic Condenser
  • Advanced Alchemic Retort
  • Wooden Stake
  • Wildberry Bush
  • Brewing Barrel
  • Apple Sapling
  • Apple Leaves
  • Olive Door
  • Ironwood Door
  • Wooden Lantern

In-game Manual

An in-game guidebook named Almanac that can be crafted with three Iron Nugget.png Iron Nuggets, a Book.png Book and Olives.png Olives.

Iron Nugget Book Iron Nugget Almanac
Iron Nugget

Disabled Features

Important to note turned off features, as to not get confused over Almanac entries:

  •  Bees,  Beehives and  Apiaries
    •  Bottle of Honey and  Honey Bucket can be collected from Vespid Queen's hive honey pool (needs to be collected inside the liquid)
  • Fertile Soil
  • Improved Armor HUD


  • Decoration and agriculture features help you get immersed in the world, while alchemy and alcohol brewing proves being useful in any stage of the game
  • Liquid barrels can store up to 16000 mb (16 buckets/bottles), including Rustic drinks and some other liquids, and can stack up to 64