Antique Atlas

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Antique Atlas is a craftable item from Antique Atlas (Mod) that enables a special map. You can navigate the map via click, drag, & zoom via scroll wheel. Additionally, on-screen buttons let you add/remove/hide markers, and export the map to an image file.


Full mape view with several markers
  • Navigation
    • Acts similarly to vanilla Map, uncovering the map through exploring, but for the entire world
  • Placing markers for important places such as villages, enemies, structures and death points
    • Can be configured to automatically mark Villages, Nether Portals and death points (default)
  • Combining Atlases to keep them syncronized


Minimap view in the top right corner of the screen

Antique Atlas shows a minimap in the top right corner (default) by either:

  • selecting it in the hotbar
  • configuring it to always show while in the hotbar
    • Antique Atlas Overlay > appearance > requiresHold: false


An Antique Atlas.png Antique Atlas can be obtained by crafting


Empty Antique Atlas

Book and Quill Compass Empty Antique Atlas

Antique Atlas

Empty Antique Atlas Antique Atlas

Linking Antique Atlas

Antique Atlas Empty Antique Atlas Antique Atlas2