Brewing (Rustic)

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Brewing is a feature added by Rustic that produces powerful Alcoholic Beverages. It is one of the best features for surviving in RLCraft mid to late-game as it enhances buffs and extends their duration.

See: Brewing (Vanilla Minecraft)

It has an entirely different system compared to brewing in vanilla Minecraft as you need to actually need to grind due to the "Quality (Rustic) System" the Rustic Mod provides when it comes to brewing.

Basically, every alcohol beverage starts from a low quality when it's first generation of batches are created. Due to Brewing Barrel's unique system, you can refine the "liquid" until it reaches max quality (quality 1). It may take a while, but grinding out quality 1 is worthwhile as it provides the max amount of benefits which outweigh the negatives. (More information on the Quality (Rustic) tab)

(Farming level 18 is needed to brew.)

Brewing Equipment

These are equipment used, or has a relation towards brewing,

- Liquid Barrel

- Crushing Tub

- Brewing Barrel

- Drying Basin

Alcohol Beverages

Every Alcohol beverage has an unique system

- Ale

- Cider

- Iron Wine

- Wildberry Wine

- Wine

- Mead

General Process

(Please press the Alcohol Beverages in the previous section for more specific guides)

  1. You start by Finding materials all throughout the overworld (all of them are obtainable in the early-game)
  2. You then create a Crushing tub, a Brewing Barrel (must be farming level 18).
  3. Then you must create the prerequisite material (juices) by crushing them, or crafting it.
  4. Then you must grab the liquid using an empty bucket.
  5. Then you must put it in the Brewing Barrel (it is best to max out the capacity for upmost efficiency)
    • Brewing time: 12000 ticks[1]
  6. Then harvest the alcohol once you are finished
  7. (Optional but preferred step) You must upgrade the quality of the alcohol until it reaches 1.0 or .99 in order to have the best possible effects.


In order to get your most "bang for your buck", you must only use one juice per generation to constantly upgrade it as making 8 at a time but having a quality 0.5 or less is simply not worth it. It is really important to get the 1.0 quality.

You must also always put in 8 at a time as the time it takes to process juices into alcohol is fixed, thus putting in 8 per barrel is more time efficient.

Finally, always remember to have spares of quality 1.0 beverages in order to have backups in case you lose everything in order to not go through the process of waiting all over again.

Inebriation is the debuff you receive when drinking a lot of Alcoholic Beverages in quick succession, it can reach up to level 4, and will physically hurt your character when you don't remove it. The simplest way to remove it is by using a cure potion, or using the silver armor set as milk won't remove the debuff.


  1. config/rustic.cfg (line 61) -> I:"Maximum Brew Time"=12000