Elenai Dodge

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Elenai Dodge is a Mod by ElenaiDev that adds various #Features to the  Agility Skill tree from Reskillable.

Elenai Dodge is a well balanced and customizable dodge mod for minecraft!



  •  Dodge (Req.  Agility: 4)
    • Adds 1.0 Exhaustion
      • For reference, sprinting adds 0.01 exhaustion per meter, and Hunger (Effect) adds 0.1 per second
    • Default control: Left-Alt + WASD
    • A Cooldown Bar appears over the experience bar after dodging
    • Weaker in The End but stronger in the Nether
  •  Wall Jumping (Req.  Agility ?)
    • Allows bouncing off walls
  •  Ledge Grabbing (Req.  Agility ?}
    • Boosts up two block high ledges


  • Only works with 6  Hunger or above (same as sprinting)

Disabled Features

  • Dodge whilst Airborne, Blocking or Sneaking
  • Invincibility after dodging


  • Dodging while sprint jumping travels much farther than regularly