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Enchanting is a great way to increase your power in RLCraft. Enchanted gear can increase both your survivability and damage output, allowing you to kill stronger mobs and survive bigger hits. Enchantments can also greatly increase quality of life by making it easier to farm loot, move around your world and make the game more enjoyable. Enchantments are added by Aquaculture, Better Survival, Defiled Lands, So Many Enchantments, Spartan Shields, Spartan Weaponry, Switch-Bow, and Simple Difficulty. Vanilla enchantments will not be listed in this article as extensive information can be found on the Minecraft Wiki.

Incompatible Enchants

Some enchants are incompatible with each other a full list can be found here Incompatible Enchantments.

So Many Enchantments

Information between in-game Enchantments and Mod Page for So Many Enchantments were either nonexistent or clashing. If you find information either incorrect or missing from this article, please feel free to add it in. Extensive testing will be done as well to try and verify information included on this page.

Rarities and Anvil Costs

Anvil costs for enchanted books are affected by level, rarity and the anvil use cost for the item. Rarity is a multiplier; 1 for common, 1 for uncommon, 2 for rare and 4 for very rare. For example, Advanced Protection IV would cost it's level times the rarity (very rare, 4) for 16 levels to put on an item. Every time an item is processed in the anvil, the next cost is increased by a factor of 2^anvil uses -1, or 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63 etc

More information found here

Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Adept Multiplies XP drops. Multiple is decreased when target is a boss III Rare Sword
Advanced Bane of Arthropods Advanced Version (3.25 * Level) V Very Rare Sword, Axe
Advanced Blast Protection Instead of giving you knockback resistance to explosions, gives you explosion resistance based on Enchantment Level IV Rare Armor
Advanced Efficiency Advanced Version (tool speed = 26 + Level^3) V Rare Tools
Advanced Feather Falling Advanced Version (Level * 20 % damage reduction) IV Very Rare Boots
Advanced Fire Aspect Advanced Version (not compatible with water aspect, lesser fire aspect and fiery edge) II Rare Sword
Advanced Fire Protection Advanced Version IV Very Rare Armor
Advanced Flame Advanced Version (10 seconds) I Very Rare Bow
Advanced Knockback Advanced Version II Very Rare Sword
Advanced Looting Advanced Version (regular looting but treated as 3 + level x 2, or looting IX at adv looting III) III Very Rare Sword
Advanced Luck of the Sea Advanced Version (regular LotS but treated as 3 + level x 2, or LotS IX at adv LotS III) III Very Rare Fishing Rod
Advanced Lure Advanced Version (vanilla lure but 1 + level) III Very Rare Fishing Rod
Advanced Mending Advanced Version (mends for twice the efficiency of mending, is not affected by the mending fix in 2.9.2) I Very Rare Any
Advanced Power Advanced Version V Very Rare Bow
Advanced Projectile Protection Advanced Version (Level * 24% damage reduction; maximum of 80%) IV Rare Armor
Advanced Protection Advanced Version (Level * 24% damage reduction; maximum of 80%) IV Very Rare Armor
Advanced Punch Advanced Version II Very Rare Bow
Advanced Sharpness Advanced Version (1.25 + 0.95 * Level) V Rare Sword, Axe
Advanced Smite Advanced Version (3.25 * Level) V Rare Sword, Axe
Advanced Thorns Advanced Version III Rare Armor
Arc Slash Variant of Sweeping Edge that is not affected by weapon cooldown III Very Rare Sword
Rune: Arrow Piercing Will cause fired arrows to pierce through enemy armor at +25% per level IV Very Rare Bow
Ash Destroyer Deals extra damage if the target is on fire (1 + 0.2 * level) V Rare Sword
Atomic Deconstructor Gives a small chance to instantly kill non-boss enemies (0.1% * level) II Rare Sword
Blessed Edge Deals extra damage to undead and heals the player for damage dealt V Rare Sword
Bluntness Reduces attack damage V Rare Sword
Brutality Damage dealt to enemy armor is increased V Rare Axe
Burning Shield Reflects damage done by attackers by setting them on fire. Does not negate shield disabling attacks IV Rare Shield
Burning Thorns When attacked, deals damage back to attacker and ignites the attacker III Very Rare Armor
Butchering Deals extra damage to animals (1.25 + 1.25 * Level) V Rare Sword
Clearskies' Favor Deals extra damage if the weather is clear and lesser if rainy. Also has a 0.75% chance to clear the weather per hit VI Rare Sword
Critical Strike Will give a chance to deal extra damage based on your attack damage IV Rare Sword
Culling When attacking using an axe, if the enemy has low HP, attack will give the player Jump Boost and allows for a critical hit on descent. If successful, the mob will drop its head. If failed, the attack will simply be a critical strike. Using this enchantment drains hunger quickly III Very Rare Axe
Curse of Decay Causes a dropped item to despawn within seconds I Very Rare Any
Curse of Holding Curses the player holding the item with various debuffs (i.e Weakness, Mining Fatigue, etc.) II Very Rare Any
Curse of Inaccuracy Attacks with a melee weapon will miss and attacks with a bow will be inaccurate II Very Rare Sword, Bow
Curse of Possession Item cannot be dropped (Disappears when dragged and dropped but can be put into a chest) (Item also disappears on death) I Very Rare Any
Curse of Vulnerability Amplifies Damage Taken IV Very Rare Armor
Cursed Edge Deals extra damage to enemies, but deals damage to player for a percentage of damage dealt V Rare Sword
Dark Shadows Attacks deal extra damage if both player and enemy are in a dark area (0.75 * Level). At level three, enchant applies blindness on hit for 8 seconds III Rare Sword
Desolator Attacks have a chance to apply negative resistance. If enemy has positive resistance active, attacks deal extra damage instead. Attacks also apply weakness above level two IV Rare Axe
Defusing Edge Attacks deal extra damage against Creepers (2 * Level). Attacks also have a chance to defuse Creepers per hit (5% * level). V Rare Sword
Disarmament Attacks have a chance to disarm the enemy V Rare Axe
Disorientating Blade Attacks have a chance to apply disorientation to target IV Rare Sword
Dragging Gives the bow the ability to drag nearby entities towards the player II Very Rare Bow
Empowered Defense Empowers the shields defense and gives a chance to negate shield being disabled and avoid damage while applying Knockback to the attacker and dealing damaged based on their attack damage II Rare Shield
Envenomed Attacks apply poison and wither if target is applicable III Rare Sword
Evasion Grants the player a chance to evade attacks and dodge out of the way I Rare Leggings
Fiery Edge Variant of Fire Aspect that sets enemies on fire for an extended time. Gives the player a chance to bypass iframes while enemy is on fire II Very Rare Sword
Flinging Similar to Knockback except attacks launch enemies upward instead of back (2 * level blocks) II Uncommon Sword
Freezing Applies Mining Fatigue and Slowness per hit. Attack stacks per hit. If effect level passes 8, there is a small chance the attack will be encased in ice III Very Rare Sword
Heavy Weight Reduces attack speed V Rare Sword
Hors De Combat Attacks have a chance to cripple the enemy IV Rare Sword
Inefficient Reduces Mining Speed V Rare Pickaxe
Inhumane Extra damage against Illagers (2.5 * Level) V Rare Sword
Inner Berserk Increases damage deal when players health is lower IV Very Rare Chestplate
Instability The lower the durability of the weapon, the more damage it deals, however, damage taken by the tool is equal to damage dealt III Very Rare Sword
Jagged Rake Greatly increases damage dealt by the hoe V Rare Hoe
Lesser Bane of Arthropods Weakest tier of Bane of Arthropods (1.25 * Level) V Common Sword, Axe
Lesser Fire Aspect Weakest tier of Fire Aspect (not compatible with water aspect, fire aspect and fiery edge) II Common Sword
Lesser Flame Weakest tier of Flame I Common Sword
Lesser Sharpness Weakest tier of Sharpness (0.25 + 0.25 * Level) V Common Sword
Lesser Smite Weakest tier of Smite (1.25 * Level) V Common Sword
Levitator Attacks apply levitation II Rare Sword
Lifesteal Heals you based on damage dealt II Rare Sword
Light Weight Player can jump higher and minimum requirement for taking fall damage is lowered III Rare Boots
Luck Magnification Increases players luck. When held in mainhand, it also functions as looting and increases crit damage II Rare Weapons
Lunar's Blessing Deals extra damage and applies blindness at night and lesser in day (not compatible with Sol's blessing). V Rare Sword
Magic Protection Reduces damage taken from magic attacks (Level * 24% damage reduction; maximum of 80%) IV Uncommon Armor
Magma Walker Like Frost Walker but for Lava. Will turn Lava blocks into Magma. Magma will not deal damage II Very Rare Boots
Meltdown There is a chance to cause an explosion when you are attacked. Explosion will damage armor severely but not the player or terrain II Very Rare Chestplate
Moisturized Tilling farmland will automatically water it I Uncommon Hoe
Mortalitas For each death caused by a weapon with this enchantment, the user will have their base damage increased, and the one attacked will have their base damage decreased. The damage can be increased/decreased by a maximum of 8 Damage points. VIII Very Rare Sword
Natural Blocking When holding a shield, the shield will naturally block a percentage of damage naturally taken by the player (20% damage reduction for level 1 and 30% for level 2, calculated before armor and protection enchantments) II Rare Shield
Parry Attacks from enemies have a chance to be parried and they will be knocked back I Rare Sword
Penetrating Edge Enemies with more armor will take more damage VI Rare Axe
Rune: Piercing Capabilities Allows attack to pierce through enemies armor by 25% per level enchant (ignores armor by turning x% of damage into magic damage) IV Very Rare Sword
Physical Protection Reduces damage taken from physical attacks (Level * 24% damage reduction; maximum of 80%) IV Rare Armor
Plowing Area plowed by hoe is increased, but at the cost of tool durability II Rare Hoe
Powerless Reduces arrow damage V Rare Bow
Purging Blade Attacks give a chance to remove one of an enemies potion affects whether negative or positive V Uncommon Sword
Purification Purifies entities (i.e Zombie Villagers, Magma Cubes, and Zombie Pigmen) (Better Survival "Golden Battle Axe" has low damage and is affected by golden osmosis. To encourage purification, swing away from the target mob first, and then attack while the weapon is still charging up for minimum harm) V Uncommon Axe
Pushing Gives the bow the ability to repel nearby enemies while charging I Very Rare Bow
Rain's Bestowment Deals extra damage if the weather is rainy, normal when underground, and lesser if clear. Also has a 1.8% chance to make it rain per hit. VI Very Rare Sword
Reinforced Sharpness Sharpness version for tools V Rare Axe, Pickaxe, Shovel
Reviled Blade Damage increases the lower the enemies health is IV Very Rare Sword
Smelter Harvesting a block will give you its smelted variant. Works with Fortune. Sneaking while mining disables the enchant temporarily. I Very Rare Tools
Sol's Blessing Deals extra damage and applies glowing during the day and lesser at night

(not compatible with Lunar's blessing).

V Very Rare Sword
Spell Breaker Deals extra damage to "magic" enemies (i.e. Witches, Evokers and Illusioners) (1.5 * level). Also deals extra damage per status effect on enemy. (0.5 * level) V Rare Sword, Axe
Strafe Increases bow draw speed IV Uncommon Bow
Strengthened Vitality Increases your health depending on current Maximum Health V Very Rare Chestplate
Subject English Does extra damage to "smart mobs" (i.e Iron Golems, Wolves, Villagers, Snow Golems, Witches and Zombie Pigmen) (all subject enchantments do 0.8 + 0.3(level) damage as sharpness. English does an additional 3 points per level to smart mobs, witches, vindicators etc, up to 12) IV Rare Sword
Subject P.E Does damage like Sharpness but also has a chance to give you buffs such as Speed, Resistance and Haste for a short time (level affects types of buffs and maximum potency recieved in combat; level I offers haste and speed I while level V offers regen IV, speed IV, haste IV, resistance III, strength II and jump boost V for a short time) V Rare Sword
Subject Science Attacks have a chance to deal explosion damage to the enemy and nearby entities. Explosions do not damage terrain or player. IV Rare Sword
Supreme Bane of Arthropods Strongest Tier of Bane of Arthropods (5 * Level) V Very Rare Sword
Supreme Fire Aspect Strongest Tier of Fire Aspect (not compatible with water aspect, fire aspect and fiery edge) II Very Rare Sword
Supreme Flame Strongest Tier of Flame I Very Rare Sword
Supreme Sharpness Strongest Tier of Sharpness (4 + 1.6 * Level) V Very Rare Sword
Supreme Smite Strongest Tier of Smite (5 * Level) V Very Rare Sword
Swifter Slashes Gives additional attack speed and a chance to pierce enemies cooldown, allowing you to attack rapidly (+20% swing speed and +2% chance to bypass iframes per level) V Very Rare Sword
Thunderstorm's Bestowment Deals extra damage during thunderstorms, normal in rain and lesser when clear VI Very Rare Sword
True Strike Allows the player to ignore the evasion enchantment by 75% and prevents the player from obtaining the curse of inaccuracy enchantment I Rare Sword
Underwater Strider Faster swim and rise speed if the player is submerged in water III Rare Boots
Unpredictable Makes damage dealt unpredictable from negative to positive. Negative damage will heal the enemy. Damage is randomized based on current damage level II Very Rare Sword
Unreasonable Causes an entity to become hostile towards random entities nearby. Does not work on mobs targeting you. II Rare Sword
Unsheathing When taking damage from an enemy the sword will automatically move to the players hand if the player is not currently holding it I Very Rare Sword
Upgraded Potentials Reduces XP cost in anvil when enchanting (resets anvil use count for item, always costs 10 levels, can be used once per item but also on books) I N/A Anything that can be anviled
Viper Deals extra damage to targets that can deal poison or wither (1 (base damage increase) + 2 (if poisoned) + 1 (if withered) + 0.75 * Level (if poisoned) + 0.5 * Level (if withered)) V Rare Sword
Water Aspect Attacks deal bonus damage to Blaze, Endermen, Magma Cubes and enemies that are submerged in water. Damage stacks if target meets requirements (2.5 * Level) V Rare Sword
Winters Grace Deals extra damage and applies debuffs with each attack while in cold biomes VI Very Rare Sword


Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Curse Break Removes a curse from an item (always costs 1 level, does not add to anvil use count) I N/A Armor, weapons, tools
Curse of Rusting Makes an item lose more durability than normal I Very Rare Armor, weapons, tools
Curse of Clumsiness Items sometimes miss when used I Very Rare Weapons, tools
Curse of Haunting Items sometimes spawn monsters nearby I Very Rare Weapons, tools
Curse of Harming Items sometimes hurt you when used I Very Rare Weapons, tools
Homing When right clicking a block with the hoe, it will play a noise if the ore the head of the hoe is made out of is within 13 blocks of the block you clicked on. The closer it is, the louder the noise will be. I Rare Hoe
Magnetic Tools automatically pick up drops. I Rare Tools

Better Survival

Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Agility Increases your movement speed II Unknown Leggings
Arrow Recovery After hitting an enemy, there is a chance to recover your arrow (25% * level). Does not work with non-damaging arrows III Unknown Bow, Crossbow
Assassinate Increases backstab damage III Unknown Weapon(Dagger)
Bash Attacks are more likely to stun the enemy III Unknown Weapon(Hammer)
Blast Arrows fired will explode on impact. Explosions have a chance to spawn Tremors II Unknown Bow
Blocking Power Allows the shield to block more damage. Can only be used with Better Survival Shields III Unknown Shield
Combo Increases damage over time if you keep attacking III Unknown Weapon(Nunchaku)
Diamonds Everywhere Any ore you mine has a small chance to drop diamonds. Confirmed ores: Coal Ore; Lapis Lazuli Ore; Diamond Ore; Redstone Ore; Emerald Ore; Nether Quartz Ore; Cincinnasite Ore; Heart Crystal Ore, Level I: 2%, Level II: 4%, Level III: 6% III Unknown Pickaxe
Disarm Your attacks are likely to disarm the enemy III Unknown Weapon(Battle Axe)
Education Increased XP gained from non-boss enemies killed (not compatible with Adept, Looting) III Unknown Weapon
Fling Throws an enemy you hit into the air (2.5 * level blocks) II Unknown Weapon
Heaviness Blocking prevents knockback. Can only be used with Better Survival Shields I Unknown Shields
High Jump Increases jump height II Unknown Boots
Multishot Lets you shoot multiple arrows at once IV Unknown Bow
Penetration Damage dealt partially ignores armor V Unknown Weapon
Range Increases speed and distance of arrows fired (immediately noticeable boost, arrow speed/velocity also affects damage multiplicatively with other increases) I Unknown Bow
Rapid Fire Increases bow/crossbow draw speed II Unknown Bow, Crossbow
Reflection Blocking has a chance to inflict 1 to 4 magic damage when hit (15% * level). Can only be used with Better Survival Shields III Unknown Shield
Smelting Smeltable blocks will be smelted when you mine them (also works with fortune and the prospecting perk) I Unknown Tools
Spellproof Partially blocks magic damage. Can only be used with Better Survival Shields III Unknown Shield
Tunneling Mines more blocks at once. Level I mines a plus pattern with the target block at the center. Level II mines a 3x3 pattern with the target block at the center. II Unknown Tools
Vampirism Heals you for a portion of damage dealt II Unknown Weapon
Versatility Slightly increases mining speed on all blocks when mined with the incorrect tool I Unknown Tools
Weightless Decreases blocking speed reduction. Can only be used with Better Survival Shields I Unknown Shield

Defiled Lands

Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Sharpshooter Increases projectile speed and range and decreases inaccuracy III Unknown Umbra Blaster; The Ravager
Economical Gives a chance for your weapon to not consume ammo when used IV Unknown Umbra Blaster; The Ravager
Destructive Increases explosion size and direct impact damage V Unknown Umbra Blaster; Concussion Smasher
Safeguard Prevents explosions from destroying blocks I Unknown Umbra Blaster
Blazing Converts fired Blastem fruits into Blazing variants I Unknown Umbra Blaster

Spartan Weaponry & Spartan Shields

Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Spikes Deals damage to enemies that hit when blocking III Unknown Shield
Propulsion Extends the throwing range of the weapon III Unknown Throwing weapon
Razor's Edge Increases damage of throwing weapons V Unknown Throwing weapon
Incendiary Imbues throwing weapons with fire, which sets hit targets on fire I Unknown Throwing weapon
Lucky Throw Works as Fortune/Looting does for throwing weapons III Unknown Throwing weapon
Return Makes throwing weapons return to the player after landing on the ground III Unknown Throwing weapon
Hydrodynamic Allows throwing weapons to work better underwater I Unknown Throwing weapon
Supercharge Reduces charging time for throwing weapons II Unknown Throwing weapon
Expanse Increases total ammo capacity for throwing weapons II Unknown Throwing weapon
Rapid Load Decreases Crossbow loading time III Unknown Crossbow
Spreadshot Fires two extra Crossbow bolts in a spread around the original bolt (backport of vanilla Mulitshot) I Unknown Crossbow
Sharpshooter Reduces aiming time for crossbows III Unknown Crossbow


Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Shocking Shocks players that fail to pick the lock (1.5 * level magic damage when a lockpick breaks, distibuted to random body parts. Shocking IV can do 6 points, which is enough to oneshot a player that has not invested in protection or health increases if the effect targets a critical limb. Diamond lockpicks can assuage this, but not prevent it) V Regular Lock
Sturdy Reduces the strength of lock picks III Regular Lock
Complexity Makes the lock too complex to be picked with lower tier lock picks (minimum lockpick level = iron -> steel -> diamond) III Regular Lock


Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Pull-Speed III Unknown Switch-Bow
Scope Changes your reticle's appearance and adds a zooming function if dynamic FOV is enabled, does not affect actual arrow velocity or damage I Unknown Bow
Reduce Cooldown V Unknown Switch-Crossbow

Grappling Hook

Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Wall Running Allows the player to quickly jump away from a wall if they jump into one while sprinting I Regular Boots
Double Jump Allows the players to jump a second time whilst suspended in the air or in the middle of falling I Regular Boots
Sliding Grants the ability to slide on any surface like one would on ice with the press of a button (check controls) I Regular Boots

Simple Difficulty

Name Function Level Rarity Applicable
Chilling Makes armor cooler. Temperature change is equivalent to wearing an extra piece of Ice armor in that slot. Multiple enchanted pieces stack. I Regular Armor
Heating Makes armor warmer. Temperature change is equivalent to wearing an extra piece of Wool armor in that slot. Multiple enchanted pieces stack. I Regular Armor