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Epion are beast mobs from Lycanites Mobs that shoot blood leech projectiles at their victims.


Epion can spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Spooky

Epion can spawn in The End.

Whenever there is a Full Moon, Epions can spawn in any biome.

Epion spawners can be found in Shadow Labyrinths (Lycanites Dungeon) and Dungeons (Vanilla).


Once an Epion has spotted it's prey, it will spit blood leech projectiles at their victims, draining health. If exposed to daylight, they will fall to the ground and explode upon hitting the ground. This is unless the Epion is either tamed or spawned by Amalgalich.


Epions can be tamed, and will require you to make Beast Treats for them before you can do so. From testing it seems to take about 40 beast treats to tame one. Tamed Epion's can be levelled up with Shadow Elemental Charges.

If the Epion wants more treats, it will say so in the chat. If not and it stops attacking you, it will read, “The Epion seems to love you now!” Congratulations, you’ve tamed a mob you can fly around with! And with that you have an Epion as your Mount.

Sub Species

For every Epion that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Epions can be Azure, Russet or a Vampire Bat. An Azure Epion is blue, while a Russet Epion is brown and black, and a Vampire Bat Epion is white and red. Uncommon Epions have higher stats than a regular Epions. This does not change their behavior.

Crimson Epion

A summonable mini boss called the Crimson Epion can be summoned using the Crimson Epion Altar.