Dungeon (Vanilla)

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"Vanilla" Dungeons in RLCraft have two modded variants, Lycanites Mobs and Defiled Lands

The following Lycanites Mobs can have a spawner in these dungeons:

Lycanites mob number (4).png Afrit
Lycanites mob number (5).png Aglebemu
Lycanites mob number (7).png Archvile
Lycanites mob number (8).png Argus
Lycanites mob number (10).png Arix
Lycanites mob number (14).png Balayang
Lycanites mob number (15).png Banshee
Lycanites mob number (16).png Barghest
Lycanites mob number (17).png Behemoth
Lycanites mob number (19).png Belph
Lycanites mob number (21).png Cacodemon
Lycanites mob number (22).png Calpod
Lycanites mob number (24).png Chupacabra
Lycanites mob number (25).png Cinder
Lycanites mob number (26).png Clink
Lycanites mob number (28).png Conba
Lycanites mob number (30).png Crusk
Lycanites mob number (31).png Cryptkeeper
Lycanites mob number (32).png Darkling
Lycanites mob number (34).png Djinn
Lycanites mob number (36).png Eechtik
Lycanites mob number (37).png Ent
Lycanites mob number (38).png Epion
Lycanites mob number (39).png Erepede
Lycanites mob number (40).png Ettin
Lycanites mob number (41).png Eyewig
Lycanites mob number (42).png Feradon
Lycanites mob number (43).png Frostweaver
Lycanites mob number (44).png Geist
Lycanites mob number (45).png Geken
Lycanites mob number (46).png Geonach
Lycanites mob number (47).png Ghoul
Lycanites mob number (48).png Gnekk
Lycanites mob number (49).png Gorger
Lycanites mob number (50).png Gorgomite
Lycanites mob number (51).png Grell
Lycanites mob number (52).png Grigori
Lycanites mob number (53).png Grue
Lycanites mob number (54).png Herma
Lycanites mob number (58).png Jabberwock
Lycanites mob number (59).png Jengu
Lycanites mob number (66).png Lobber
Lycanites mob number (67).png Lurker
Lycanites mob number (70).png Maug
Lycanites mob number (72).png Necrovore
Lycanites mob number (74).png Pinky
Lycanites mob number (75).png Pixen
Lycanites mob number (79).png Raiko
Lycanites mob number (80).png Reaper
Lycanites mob number (81).png Reiver
Lycanites mob number (82).png Remobra
Lycanites mob number (84).png Roc
Lycanites mob number (85).png Salamander
Lycanites mob number (86).png Serpix
Lycanites mob number (87).png Shade
Lycanites mob number (88).png Shambler
Lycanites mob number (91).png Spectre (Lycanites Mobs)
Lycanites mob number (92).png Spriggan
Lycanites mob number (94).png Sutiramu
Lycanites mob number (95).png Sylph
Lycanites mob number (96).png Tarantula
Lycanites mob number (98).png Tpumpkyn
Lycanites mob number (100).png Tremor
Lycanites mob number (101).png Triffid
Lycanites mob number (102).png Trite
Lycanites mob number (103).png Troll
Lycanites mob number (104).png Uvaraptor
Lycanites mob number (105).png Vapula
Lycanites mob number (106).png Ventoraptor
Lycanites mob number (107).png Vespid
Lycanites mob number (108).png Vespid Queen
Lycanites mob number (109).png Volcan
Lycanites mob number (110).png Vorach
Lycanites mob number (111).png Warg
Lycanites mob number (113).png Wildkin
Lycanites mob number (115).png Wraamon
Lycanites mob number (116).png Wraith
Lycanites mob number (117).png Xaphan
Lycanites mob number (119).png Zephyr
Lycanites mob number (120).png Zoataur

Defiled Lands can have Defiled Lands themed dungeons, with defiled lands mobs for their spawners and different loot.

Scuttler2.png Scuttler
Host.png Host
Twisted shambler.png Twisted Shambler

Chest Loot

Here's a list of items than can generate in Defiled Lands dungeons Chests:

1-3 of the following items:

  • 1 Umbrium Axe (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbrium Pickaxe (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbrium Shovel (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbrium Sword (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbrium Helmet (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbrium Chestplate (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbrium Leggings (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbrium Boots (enchanted) 6.8%
  • 1 Umbra Blaster (enchanted) 5.4%
  • 1 Concussion Smasher (enchanted) 2.7%
  • 1 Scarlite Razor (enchanted) 2.7%
  • 1 Scarlite Reaver (enchanted) 1.4%
  • 1 Enchanted Book 33.4%

3 of the following items:

1-4 of the following items:

  • 1-4 Umbrium Ingot 10.5%
  • 1-3 Scarlite 5.3%
  • 4-16 Foul Candy 21.1%
  • 2-4 Blastem Seed 15.8%
  • 1-8 Hephastite 15.8%
  • 2-4 Vilespine 10.5%
  • 2-4 Tenebra Sapling 10.5%
  • 2-4 Scuronotte 10.5%