Hephaestite Ore

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Hephaestite Ore is an ore added by the Defiled Lands mod.


Natural Generation

Hephaestite Ore can be found in defiled biomes, serving as the defiled variant of Coal Ore.


The block itself can be obtained by defiling Coal Ore.


Breaking the block without Silk Touch drops 1-3 Hephaestite Shards. With Silk Touch, though, it will drop itself.



Players and mobs that walk on top of it are set on fire for 3 seconds and take 1 heart of fire damage, making the ore useful for mob farms or player/mob traps.

Smelting ingredient

When broken with Silk Touch, the block itself can be smelted into 2 Hephaestite Shards.

Mob summoning

There is a 2% (1/50) chance for a Vapula to spawn when breaking a block of Hephaestite Ore.