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Rahovart is one of the three final bosses of RLCraft, along with Asmodeus and Amalgalich. He is widely considered the easiest boss, but is still a very difficult challenge.


Rahovart can only be summoned by building a Rahovart Altar in the Nether and activating it with a Soulkey. This will start the Ravohart event, which builds a basic arena around the emerging Ravohart before the fight begins.


Once summoned, Rahovart builds an arena where it is impossible to break or place blocks until Ravohart is dead. During the fight Rahovart will shoot cannon projectiles through his left hand, while also using other attacks depending on his phase:

  • Phase 1: Rahovart summons Belphs to aid him in the fight. Over time, these Belphs become empowered and eventually explode, giving Rahovart a Hellfire Orb. With 5 orbs, Rahovart will unleash a large wave of Hellfire that causes great damage and burns away any good effects. It is important to kill the Belphs to reduce how much this happens.
  • Phase 2: Rahovart continues to summon Belphs but no longer empowers them. Instead he also summons Behemoths that get empowered, and these will give him the orbs instead, at 5 orbs Rahovart will create a giant Hellfire Wall that rotates around him, this deals damage and removes effect like the previous Hellfire attack, but lasts longer. Kill the Behemoths as quickly as possible to prevent this.
  • Phase 3: Rahovart will now create orbs on his own and will create Hellfire Barriers. These don't move but will eventually take over the area around Rahovart. Killing his minions will remove these barriers so if there are too many, kill the Belphs and Behemoths to lower the barriers.


It is said that Rahovart is the lord of the underworld and anything living or dead fears him. It is also said that Rahovart originated from a Behemoth.


For every Rahovart that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Rahovart can be Lux or Dark. A Lux Rahovart has a mix of light blue and white, while a Dark Rahovart is a purple tinted version of the normal version. Uncommon Rahovart have double the health of a regular Rahovart. He is one of the only mobs that have the ability to bypass the mob cap of 69420. Blighted and Infernal Rahovart also have a chance of spawning.


Rahovart is based on Rahovart and the Cyberdemon from DOOM.

In-game Rahovart's boss music is the song 'Nobody told me about ID' from the DOOM OST.