Restoring Health

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The First Aid menu. You'll be looking at this a lot.

One of the first things you may have noticed after your first battle, death, or fall, is that your health is not regenerating despite having a full hunger bar. You may be surprised to learn that RLCraft approaches health in a different way. The First Aid mod comes with an in-game tutorial (press H). This page will cover both topics covered in the First Aid tutorial, additional topics related to the First Aid mod, and other methods of healing.

Locational Damage

Locational damage Mini HUD, for convenience.

RLCraft, thanks to the First Aid mod, has a system called Locational Damage. What this means, first and foremost, is that Skeleton archers always aim for the head, and a good headshot has the potential to kill. A quality helmet will help save you from some sudden one-shots.

In addition, should specific parts of your body be heavily damaged, you'll incur a debuff, such as Mining Fatigue for arms, or Slowness debuffs for legs and feet.

The critical parts of your body to always make sure to keep healed up are your Head and Body. Bring up your First Aid menu often to make sure these are healed up. If either one of these reaches zero health, you will instantly die, regardless of the health in other parts of your body.


There are a few ways to heal your wounds in RLCraft. In order of easiest to most difficult (and not necessarily by their healing potency), there are:


A Nymph in its wild habitat. They spawn near flowers.

Nymphs are peaceful creatures that spawn near flowers and give a Regeneration buff, which heals up your health for simply being close to them. This is a slow process and you need to be very close to the Nymph for the buff to refresh. In addition, as Nymphs are wild, they may eventually leave with no warning, leaving you defenseless and unable to heal. The buff will remain for about 3 seconds after you leave the Nymph.


Sleeping in a bed will heal you for 50% of your health. This is helpful if you take damage near your home and need to heal up for the next day of rough survival. The drawback to this is, of course, that you can't sleep whenever you want. Plus, it might spawn a Reaper. Other methods are more reliable for long term survival, however this is a good one when you need a quick refresh.

Craftable First-Aid

Recipe for Plaster. The string can be substituted for Plant Fiber from cutting grass with a Flint Knife.
Recipe for Bandages. String can be substituted with Plant Fiber.

There are various healing items you can craft along with healing items that drop from some mobs later on in your travels.


Plaster can be crafted with string or plant string (obtained by cutting grass with a knife and placing 3 plant fiber into your crafting menu) and paper, which can be obtained either from 2 birch wood laid flat into the crafting menu, or 3 sugarcane laid flat in a crafting table (birch requires a higher crafting level to plant, although sugarcane only grows in the summer seasons, so it's worth having a reliable source of both). When right-clicking with the item in the toolbar in hand, the First Aid HUD should pop up. At this point, you should click on the body part in need of healing and hold it down while the timer is counting down. Plaster heals two full hearts to any part of your body that it is applied to.


Bandages can be crafted in the Crafting table by putting any wool in between two string or plant string.

Healing Salve

Healing Salve can be crafted using a Dandelion, a bowl and any single block flower and heals a total of 1.5 hearts. The great thing about the Healing salve is that it can be used in the midst of battle.


There is a host of other healing items one can craft or find in the wild. However, their recipes call for more and more demanding ingredients. You may want to look up their recipes by going into your inventory, looking into the item collection on the right and filtering the list for "First Aid". You can view more information on any item by clicking it to view the recipe required.

Mob drops

Many mobs from Lycanites Mobs drop meat that can be used for an instant health effect. Additionally, any vanilla hostile entity (zombies, skeletons, spiders) has a 10% chance to drop either a salve, a plaster or a bandage.


Potion ring

In the mid-late game, regeneration rings can be used to apply passive regeneration. This regeneration can be stacked by using two of these rings, for a max of regeneration 2. A normal potion ring, four ghast tears and a nether star is required for crafting.

Scarlite Ring
Scarlite ring.PNG

In the early game, scarlite rings can be used to give very slow passive healing. This healing can be stacked by wearing two of these rings. A black heart, scarlite and umbrium ingots are required for crafting, all of which can be found in the defiled lands biome.


Many potions such as instant health, and Regeneration potions can be brewed.


Cooked Aspid Meat, Moss Pie, and Heartbeet, which is obtained from farming beetroot, can give regeneration.


The Healing Pad will heal those who stand atop it.Healing pad.PNG


The Scarlite Reaver can heal a percentage of your attack.

The Vampire-Arrow can heal a percentage of your attack.

Lycanite's Mobs gear

Some pieces for making custom weapons from mob drops using the Equipment Forge have health restoring effects, namely the Leech buff. It "turns on" for a short time when first hitting a mob with the weapon which doesn't restore any health on its own. Only hits when you already had the Leech buff active will restore your health so continuous hits with the weapon are required. Examples of such pieces are the Ent Arm and the Darkling Skull. This doesn't work well with high knockback because you get no healing during the first hit.


The Lifesteal and Vampirism Enchantments allow your weapon to heal a percentage of your attack.

Heart Containers

You can add to your max health as you progress through the modpack, should you find Heart Crystals Shards and heart dust. Not only can heart dust and crystals be crafted into healing items, but they can also be crafted into Heart Containers. A full 3x3 grid of heart crystals should be enough to craft into a heart container, which should permanently add a new heart to your health bar! You can only use up to 10 heart containers for an additional 10 hearts. Each use of a heart container takes 1 experience.

Enchanted Medikit


Enchanted Medikit is a is multi-use med kit which provides 3 hearts and 1 absorption per body part per use. Medikits have a durability of 24, but can also be enchanted with mending as well as unbreaking. This allows for unlimited health replenishment, so long as you continue to mend the Enchanted Medikit.