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The icon for thirst.

Thirst is a major component of survival added by Simple Difficulty. The level of your thirst is found above your hunger bar.

How it Works

Similar to Hunger, Thirst decreases over time by doing various activities, such as sprinting, fighting, and jumping. You restore Thirst by drinking water from various sources.

Restoring Thirst

Thirst status effect.

The easiest way to restore thirst is from drinking water by sneaking and right-clicking on it; this, however, drinking unpurified water will give you the negative Thirsty status effect which causes your thirst meter to decrease faster, as what the negative status effect of Hunger does with food in Vanilla Minecraft. A Charcoal Filter can be used to purify water, or you can boil the water in a Furnace. You can also collect pure water in a Rain Collector. When a Stone of the Sea bauble is worn, it will instantly purify drunken unpurified water.

The following items and sources restore Thirst:

Negative side effects

Visual blur caused by thirst.

Thirst is just as important to maintain as Hunger. Failure to keep yourself hydrated will result in various negative side effects. If your Thirst is 2.5 bars or below, you will get a visual blur effect on your entire game. This blur will steadily get worse until you hit zero. Once it hits zero, you can die of dehydration, taking damage over time until you die. It is important to note that all of the damage you take will be to your torso/head, meaning that you will die well before your entire health bar drains.


  • If you die from thirst (not the debuff), the death message will say you starved to death. This is likely a bug, and the thirst bar may have been "copy-pasted" from the hunger bar. This has been fixed later on and now says that you died from dehydration.
  • Some potions don't restore thirst.