Trinkets and Baubles: Race Rings, Transformation Foods, and Potions

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Race Rings, Transformation Foods, and Potions

Races are different transformations the player can undergo added by the Trinkets and Baubles mod. Each race has its own advantages and drawbacks. Each race has its own set of Potions, Transformation Food, and Rings.

Rings grant a temporary transformation into their corresponding race so long as the ring is worn. Transformation Foods will permanently transform the player into their corresponding race until the player uses a method of transforming back (see section on Humans/Normies below). Potions will allow the player to temporarily transform into the corresponding race so long as its given potion effect is present.

All Transformation Foods require the Ring of the corresponding race to be crafted. All Rings are found exclusively as loot within the Lost Cities.

Certain aesthetics added by turning into certain races can have their color customized by clicking the blue circle to the bottom left of the Player within their inventory

Blue circle inv.png


Humans are the player's default race. If a player has used a Transformation Food to permanently turn into another race, the effect can temporarily be voided by using a Potion of Normie Transformation. If the player wishes to permanently void their race transformation, they may use a Restoration Serum. Humans do not have a Race Ring.


Human size 2.png

Restoration Serum

To craft a Restoration Serum, you will need 1 Nether Star, 1 Mana Reagent, and 1 Water Bottle.

Restoration Serum.png

Potion of Normie Transformation

To craft a Potion of Normie Transformation, you will need to brew an Apple with 1-3 Sparkling Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Potion of Normie.png


When a Fairy:

  • 25% of Original Size
  • Granted Creative Flight
  • -75% Attack Damage
  • -75% Health
  • -50% Armor
  • -25% Armor Toughness
  • -25% Movement Speed
  • +2 Luck
  • -25% Swim Speed
  • -25% Jump Height
  • -0.35 Step Height
  • -40% Reach
  • Can Climb Walls
  • Fall Damage Immunity


Fairy Size.png

*Depending on if the player is a Fairy via a Ring, Food, or Potion, the appearance of the wings will differ.

Wings when using a Ring or Potion:

Fairy Ring Wing.png

When using Fairy Dew (customizable):

Fairy Dew Wings.png

Ring of the Fairies

File:Fairy ring.png

Fairy Dew

To craft Fairy Dew, you will need 1 Ring of the Fairies, 4 Mana Crystals, 2 Pixie Dust (Familiar Fauna), 1 Ghast Tear, and 1 Water Bucket.

Fairy Dew recipie.png

Potion of Fairy Transformation

To craft a Potion of Fairy Transformation, you will need to brew a Ghast Tear with 1-3 Glowing Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Fairy pot.png


When a Dwarf:

  • 75% of original size
  • Exp drops from certain blocks mined
  • Constant mining speed for all blocks
  • -25% Attack Speed
  • +10% Attack Damage
  • -25% Health
  • +25% Armor Toughness
  • +0.25 Knockback Resistance
  • -10% Movement Speed


Dwarf Size.png

*Dwarfs have no gained aesthetics, and therefore nothing customizable

Ring of the Dwarves

File:Dwarf ring.png

Dwarf Stout

To craft Dwarf Stout, you will need 1 Ring of the Dwarves, 4 Mana Crystals, 2 Iron Berries, 1 Heart of Diamond, and 1 Juice/Wine of any type.

Dwarf stout.png

Potion of Dwarf Transformation

To craft a Potion of Dwarf Transformation, you will need to brew a Heart of Diamond with 1-3 Glittering Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Dwarf pot.png


When an Elf:

  • 100% of original size (unchanged)
  • Can press sneak whil using a bow to activate Power Shot
  • Gains Movement + Attack Speed in Forests
  • -25% Attack Damage


Elf Size.png

*Elves' ears are customizable

Ring of the Elves

File:Elf ring.png

Elf Sap

To craft Elf Sap, you will need 1 Ring of the Elves, 4 Mana Crystals, 2 Juices/Wines of any type, 1 Blossoming Sapling, and 1 Mooncap Mushroom.

Sap elf.png

Potion of Elf Transformation

To craft a Potion of Elf Transformation, you will need to brew 1 Blossoming Leaves with 1-3 Glittering Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Elf pot.png


When a Goblin:

  • 50% of original size
  • Can mount tamed wolves
    • Gains Strength + Regen when mounted on a wolf
  • Minor Explosion and Fire Resistance
  • Creepers ignore you
  • -25% Attack Damage
  • -50% Health
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +1 Luck
  • +10% Swim Speed
  • +20% Jump Height


Goblin Size.png

*Goblins' ears are customizable

Ring of the Goblins

Goblin ring.png

Goblin Soup

To craft Goblin Soup, you will need 1 Ring of the Goblins, 4 Mana Crystals, 2 Frog Legs, 1 Fermented Spider Eye, and 1 Mushroom Stew.

Goblin soup.png

Potion of Goblin Transformation

To craft a Potion of Goblin Transformation, you will need to brew 1 Frog Legs with 1-3 Sparkling Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Goblin pot.png


When a Faelis:

  • 75% of original size
  • Increased "Bare Hand" Damage
  • Buff when drinking milk
  • Movement Penalty when wearing "Heavy" Armor
  • +50% Attack Speed
  • +25% Movement Speed
  • +50% Swim Speed
  • +60% Jump Height


Faelis Size.png

*Faeles' ears are customizable

Ring of the Faeles

Faelis ring1.png

Faelis Nip

To craft Faelis Nip, you will need 1 Ring of the Faeles, 4 Mana Crystals, 2 Sugar, 1 Glowshroom, and 1 Milk Bucket.

Faelis nip.png

Potion of Faelis Transformation

To craft a Potion of Faelis Transformation, you will need to brew 1 Faelis Claw with 1-3 Glittering Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Faelis pot.png


When a Titan:

  • 300% of original size
  • 3x3x3 Mining Range
  • Sinks in Water
  • Tramples Crops
  • -50% Attack Speed
  • +100% Attack Damage
  • +100% Health
  • +75% Knockback Resistance
  • +25% Movement Speed
  • +75% Jump Height
  • +1.4 Step Height


Titan Size.png

*Titans have no gained aesthetics, and therefore nothing customizable

Ring of the Titans

Titan ring.png

Titan's Spirit

To craft Titan's Spirit, you will need 1 Ring of the Titans, 4 Mana Crystals, 2 Bronze Ingots, 1 Bone Mushrooms Spore, and 1 Moglava Bucket.

Titan spirit.png

Potion of Titan Transformation

To craft a Potion of Titan Transformation, you will need to brew 1 Golden Apple (Enchanted) with 1-3 Glowing Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Titan pot.png


When a Dragon:

  • 120% of original size
  • All Bonuses of Dragon's Eye
    • Night Vision
    • Fire Resistance
    • Can search for any ore or chest
  • Limited Flight
  • +25% Attack Damage
  • +25% Health
  • +50% Armor Toughness
  • -25% Swim Speed


Derg size 2.png

*Dragons' wings are customizable

Ring of the Dragons

Derg ring.png

Dragon Gem

To craft Dragon Gem, you will need 1 Ring of the Dragons, 4 Mana Crystals, 2 Dragon's Breath, 1 Scarlite Gem, and 1 Sapphire Gem.

Dragon gem.png

Potion of Dragon Transformation

To craft a Potion of Dragon Transformation, you will need to brew 1 Dragon's Breath with 1-3 Glowing Potions in a Brewing Stand.

Derg pot.png