The Lost Cities (Dimension)

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The Lost Cities is a dimension added by The Lost Cities (Mod) that contains ruined city buildings that contain valuable loot, guarded and infested by horrific parasites. The dimension's id is 111.


Lost Cities Portal as of release 2.9

The portal needed to get to this dimension requires a Bed placed on two Cincinnasite Lanterns, with the bed surrounded on all exposed sides by 6 skulls of any type.

When spawning into the Lost Cities Dimension, a portal will not appear where the player spawned in, and the players spawn is set in the Lost Cities (meaning if you die, you respawn in the Lost Cities Dimension). In order to return, materials for a second portal must be brought with the player to the dimension, or a method of warping out (Magic Mirror, Wormhole Potions and Recall Potions do NOT work). If no method of returning is brought with the player, materials to build a portal or craft Warp_Scroll can be found throughout the cities. It is still recommended to bring the materials prior to entering the dimension.


"Ground" Loot Chests

Ground Loot Chests Room.png

These are chests that can be found on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors of any building within the Lost Cities

  • Bow
  • Arrow
  • Diamond/Iron Strengthened Longbow and Arrows
  • Stone Axe and Hoe
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Diamond Hoe and Diamond Chestplate
  • Golden Nugget
  • Iron Ingot
  • Iron Armor
  • Ozzie Liner
  • Music Disk '13' and 'cat'
  • Rotten Flesh
  • Hay Bale
  • Wheat
  • Bread
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Pumpkin
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Melon
  • Melon Seeds
  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Apple
  • Black Apple
  • Golden Apple
  • Red Mushroom/Brown Mushroom
  • Suspicious Soup
  • Sugar Cane
  • paper
  • String
  • Bone
  • Gunpowder
  • Coal
  • Ender Pearl
  • Lead
  • Name Tag
  • Enchanted Book
  • Purple Dye
  • Ring of the Elves

"High Rise" Loot Chests

High Rise Loot Chests Room.png

These are chests that can be found on the 4th floors and above of any building within the Lost Cities

"Subway" Loot Chests

Subway Loot Chests Room.png

These are chests that can be found in any subway in the cities

  • Potions of:
    • Regeneration (Regeneration II, 0:22)
    • Swiftness (Speed II, 1:30)
    • Fire Resistance (Fire Resistance, 8:00)
    • Healing (Instant Health II)
    • Strength (Strength II, 1:30)
    • Night Vision (Night Vision, 8:00)
    • Invisibility (Invisibility, 8:00)
    • Leaping (Jump Boost II, 1:30)
    • Water Breathing (Water Breathing, 8:00)
    • Poison (Poison II, 0:21)
    • Weakness (Weakness, 4:00)
    • Slowness (Slowness, 4:00)
    • Harming (Instant Damage II)
  • Powered, Detector, Activator, and Normal Rails
  • Chainmail/Iron/Gold/Diamond Wolf Armor
  • Iron Armor, Pickaxes, Axes, and Swords
  • Iron/Gold Ingot
  • Gold Nugget
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Lapis
  • Coal
  • Torch
  • Obsidian
  • Morphine
  • Plaster
  • Bandage
  • Manuscript
  • Book
  • Enchanted Book
  • Name Tag
  • Bone
  • Skeleton Skull
  • Cobweb
  • Bread
  • Melon Seeds/Beetroot Seeds
  • Ring of the Goblins

"Basement" Loot Chests

Basement Loot Chests Room.png

These are chests that can be found in any basement of any building within the cities

"Common" Loot Chests

These are chests that can be found anywhere within the cities commonly

"Builder" Loot Chests

These are chests that can be found anywhere within the cities uncommonly

  • Stone Bricks
  • Oak Wood Planks
  • Bricks
  • Block of Quartz
  • Sandstone
  • Red Sandstone
  • Stone Slab
  • Iron Bars
  • Stained Terracotta (any color)
  • Stained Glass (any color)
  • Ring of the Titans

"Rare" Loot Chests

These are chests that can be found anywhere within the cities rarely

Note: All loot was tested by manually summoning several of each type of chest pulling from each respective loot table, some loot may have been excluded. Further testing may be required.


Parasites from the Scape and Run Parasites mod, such as the Assimilated Human, exclusively spawn within this dimension. Passive and neutral Lycanite's Mobs, Familiar Fauna mobs, Quark crabs, and Vanilla Mobs can also spawn here, excluding Villagers and Iron Golems. In defiled biomes, Defiled Land mobs may spawn. When in this dimension, any Lycanite's mobs like soulbound pets and summons are unable to be summoned.

Hostile Lycanite's Mobs are unable to spawn here (excluding Amalgalich and the mobs it summons during its battle).

The Lost Cities is currently the only Dimension where the boss Amalgalich can be summoned.


The Lost Cities were said to have once been inhabited by the Trinkets & Baubles races, the Fairies, Elves, Goblins, Dwarves, Faeles, Titans, and Dragons that governed the cities in peace. A mysterious plague broke out in the cities causing many of it's people and animals to fall ill and become parasites, the civilization abandoned their homes and left many treasures behind in hopes it will aid someone in saving the cities from the parasitic outbreak.


  • Prior to 2.9, the dimension used to have Haunted Buildings, in which some generated buildings in the dimension will be considered haunted thus rendering chests locked until you wear out every spawners and kill every hostile mobs in the building.
    • In 2.9, the same locked chests are still present but only some loot chests will be locked by a padlock, use lockpicks in order to unlock.
  • The world generation of the dimension is mirrored from the Overworld.