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Vorach are tall demonic monstrosities, and are quick for destruction.


Vorach can spawn in the Nether.

Vorach can spawn from Nether Portals.

Vorach spawners can be found in Dungeons (Vanilla).


Being aggressive, they rather focus on melee attacks towards the player. Do note that there is something unique about them: They JUMP straight towards their prey when behind them. So always make sure to never turn your back on one, or else...

Sub Species

For every Vorach that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Vorach can be Keppel or Dark. A Russet Vorach is darker gray in color, while a Dark Behemoth is black. Uncommon Vorach have higher stats than a regular Vorach. This does not change their behavior.


- Vorach gets it name from it's personality: Voracious.