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Wraamon are chaos beast mobs from Lycanites Mobs that are deadly rodents loaded with chaotic energy. While small and weak, they are a major threat in caves early and mid-game. Late-game, they become more of a nuisance than a problem.


Wraamon can spawn in any Overwold biome, or in The End. Can only spawn underground (y ≤ 50; any y level in The End).

Wraamon spawners can be found in Template Doomlike Dungeons, Urban Doomlike Dungeons, Aberrant Stations (Lycanites Dungeon) and Dungeons (Vanilla).

Every time you break Chorus Plant or Chorus Fruit, there is a 5% chance of a Wraamon to spawn.


For every Wraamon that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Wraamon can be Dark or Lux. A Dark Wraamon is covered with dark fur and orange features like its tail and whiskers, while a Lux Wraamon is covered with white fur and red features like its tail and whiskers. Uncommon Wraamon have higher stats than a regular Wraamon. This does not change their behavior.


Wraamon can be a big menace, their bites inflict Instability, a powerful chaos curse that causes the afflicted to randomly jolt about the place. They are fairly weak in damage, but being small and fast makes them hard to hit.

While one Wraamon on its own can be dispatched with only some difficulty, its when its with other monsters, or worse, with multiple other Wraamon that the situation can get dire. While the Wraamon fling you around, other more damaging monsters can get in free hits. Take out the Wraamon first before targeting the other monsters.

Experiment 69R

In an Aberrant Station, a modified dark Wraamon can appear as a boss. This boss is called Experiment 69R, and can drop 3+ diamonds and a Beast Soulstone