Assimilated Human

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An Assimilated Human is a poor victim of the parasites found in The Lost Cities (Dimension). Its mind no longer its own, its only urges are to kill and spread the plague that claimed its life.


Assimilated Humans are dangerous and can kill under-geared players quickly. They act similarly to Geists, blindly running towards the player with high speed


An Assimilated Humans dying may cause one of the following effects:

  • Its head separates from its body, and continues fighting
    • The head has about 7 health
  • The body shudders for a moment, before harmlessly exploding
    • This spreads putrid Assimilated Remains and can cause the Call of the Hive effect
  • Whenever any Parasite mob is killed, there is a small chance for a Beckon to spawn



Estimate of drops and their chances:


  • Ranged weapons, or melee weapons with increased Reach (e.g.,  Halberd or Pike.png Pike) are recommended