Battle Towers

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AtomicStryker's Battle Towers is a mod by atomicstrykergrumpy that adds Battle Towers to every dimension in any biome. The towers are pillar-esque Structures that either ascend or descend undergeround. The towers have early-mid game loot in the chests and are good sources of Experience.


Battle Towers either ascend upwards or descend underground, with the #Loot getting better in each respective direction.

Netherrack Tower

While most Battle Towers are made of Cobblestone, there are also Netherrack ones, with Soul Sand floor and Netherrack walls. This type of tower is much harder due to Soul Sand slowing the player down.


Each level of a Battle Tower contains a double Chest with loot better than the last. The first few floors of the battle tower give items ranging from Leather / Leather Armor, Glass, Seeds, Bowls, Wood--easily obtainable in the first few days--to very good and useful loot like Diamond Armor / Weapons / Items, Experience Bottles, Baubles, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli and Diamond Blocks, Heart Dust, Iron Tools, Recall Potions, or even sometimes full XP Tomes (gives 30 levels worth of XP).


Monster Spawners

On each level there are two Monster Spawners, which can be Zombie, Spider, Skeleton, or Blaze variants. Occasionally they spawn Blight Mobs, which are more dangerous versions of regular mobs but drop a lot of XP. They can be identified from the purple glow around them.

Battle Tower Golem

There is a Tower Golem at the floor with the most loot (bottom for descending, top for ascending). They are very dangerous and deny players from accessing Chests in their vicinity (their floor and one above/below). In order to get the top tier loot, the player either has to kill the Golem or push it off the tower (see #Tips). Killing the Golem makes an ascending tower collapse, destroying chests on the way.


If you don't want to kill the Battle Tower Golem, there are ways to "cheese" the towers:

  • Using Teleport Arrows to displace the Golem off the top level, allowing interaction with chests.
  • Placing Hoppers underneath the top two floors' chests
    • E.g., a Hopper can be interacted with without the Golem minding


  • If you have the skills and preferably a flying mount, taking on a battle tower will be one of the best ways to get loot in RLCraft.