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Pinky are large, demon creatures that roam around the nether and kill everything.


A pinky will charge at its prey and start attacking it. When a pinky is met with 2 or more prey it will go to the prey with more health. This can be exploited to make pinky farms. Pinkys can also be bred to create a Pinky meat farm.


Pinky can spawn in the Nether or in The End.

Pinky can spawn from Nether Portals.

Pinky spawners can be found in Nether Doomlike Dungeons, Demonic Temples (Lycanites Dungeon) and Dungeons (Vanilla).


Much like a garden variety of other mobs in the mod, Pinky can be tamed, and will require you to make demon treats for them before you can do so. In order to try and tame one, you will likely need about 30-40 treats.

If the Pinky wants more treats, it will say so in the chat. If not, it will stop attacking you and it will read, “The Pinky seems to love you now!” Congratulations, you’ve tamed a mob you can roam around with in the nether! Now all you’ll need is a saddle and pet armor (for extra protection) and you’re ready to ride in the nether.

Sub Species

For every Pinky that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Pinkys can be Ashen or Scarlet. An Ashen Pinky has a grey-dark skin and purple eyes, and a Scarlet Pinky is a brighter red version of a Normal Pinky. Uncommon Pinkys have higher stats than a regular Pinky. This does not change their behavior.

Pet Pinky Abilities

Pet Pinky gain the ability to be used as a mount and walk around. Pet Pinky's are really slow so using them as a travelling mount is not advice. Pinky's main use is to fight fire mobs as they give fire resistance 2 when mounted


In a Demonic Temple, a modified Scarlet Pinky can appear as a boss. This boss is called Gluttony, and can drop 10+ diamonds and a Demon Soulstone


  • Pinkies used to burn in lava.
  • Pinkies used to be tamed by breeding two and feeding the baby.
  • Pinkies are a reference to the doom series (named demon in the ultimate doom).