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Skylus are cephalopodal creatures that dwell in oceans. They only appear in oceans, not able to spawn in rivers and lakes.


Skylus can spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Ocean
  • Beach

Can only spawn in water.

Every time you catch a fish in water, there is a 0.3% chance of a Skylus to spawn.

Skylus spawners can be found in Oceanic Doomlike Dungeons and Dungeons (Vanilla).


For every Skylus that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Skylus can be Ashen or Scarlet. An Ashen Skylus is grey in color with a darker shell, while a Scarlet Skylus is red in color with a pinkish shell. Uncommon Skylus have double the Health of a regular Skylus, drop more XP, and are worth twice as many points in the Bestiary. Uncommon Skylus behave the same as their regular counterparts.