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Treants arise when the forest feel threatened. They are very rare.


Treant can spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Forest

Every time you break tree parts (logs, leaves), there is 0.05% change of a Treant to spawn.

Treant spawners can be found in Dank Doomlike Dungeons, Jungle Doomlike Dungeons and Villagelike Doomlike Dungeons.


Treants cannot be summoned in any way.


For every Treant that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Treant can be Russet or Ashen. A Russet Treant is brown, while a Ashen Treant is black. Uncommon Treant have double the health of a regular Treant. This does not change their behavior. The special variation salty spawns in the event Salty Tree, the other special variation warped spawns in the event Halloween. The two special variations of the Treant only spawn in the event.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Treant, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the Level of a Treant. Treant spawned in Dungeons will also be higher Level than normal.


When attacking Treants can cause paralysis, drain a player's health and heal from water. Fire, axes and its similar tools are effective.