Creature Levels

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A Lvl 20 Wisp, created by the Fusion of a Cinder and an Aegis.

Creature Levels are a mechanic of Lycanites Mobs that causes creatures to grow in strength in various ways. The level of a mob can be seen by its name, above its health bar.

How it Works

A creature's level is calculated by a number of factors:

For every level a creature has, it gains the following stat increases:

  • 1% attack speed
  • 2% damage
  • 1% defense (if applicable)
  • 2% effect length (if applicable)
  • 10% health
  • 1% projectile speed (if applicable)
  • 1% movement speed
  • ?% size increase

Note that Lvl 1 does not count for these boosts, meaning that their stats start increasing at Lvl 2. These boosts stack cumulatively as the level increases (Note: Other factors can affect these stats outside of the leveling system). For example, a Lvl 20 Cinder would be ?% bigger and have 19% extra attack speed, 38% extra damage, 38% extra fire length, 190% extra health, 19% extra projectile speed, and 19% extra movement speed.

Elemental Fusion

Certain base Elementals from Lycanites Mobs can fuse with each other when close together to form a Lvl 20 version of another mob. For example, a Cinder and an Aegis can fuse to create a Lvl 20 Wisp. Elementals summoned with the Summoning Staff will fuse to create a Lvl 2 minion. The following is a full list of all the creatures that can result from Fusion:

Creature A Creature B Result
Djinn Geonach Banshee
Argus Jengu Eechetik
Argus Cinder Grue
Aegis Jengu Nymph
Djinn Jengu Reiver
Aegis Argus Spectre
Geonach Jengu Spriggan
Aegis Djinn Sylph
Argus Geonach Tremor
Aegis Geonach Vapula
Cinder Geonach Volcan
Aegis Cinder Wisp
Argus Djinn Wraith
Cinder Jengu Xaphan
Cinder Djinn Zephyr

Pet and mounts leveling

You can level up soulbound pets and mounts by going into the beastiary, looking at the element you pet/mount belongs to and browsing through the beastiary to see what mobs drop those element charges. For example, the Warg of the Beast category is of the lightning element. To level it up, you may need to kill cacodemons which drop lightning charges. Or the Morock, which is of the order element, meaning you will have to kill Beholders(Naxiris) to get arcane charges to level it up. To level soulbound pet/mounts just right click the correct charge on them. Pets/mounts of two different elements can take two different types of charges, like Pinkies, which are both of the nether and void element, meaning they can take both charges. ru:Уровни мобов