Lycanite Mobs events

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Mob Events, as the name suggests, are periodically-occurring events that spawn one or multiple types of mobs around the player’s local vicinity. There is a voice announcing whenever they happen and a shaking PNG appears during so. The following is a list of the many different events from A to Z.

Shoutout to Rich3yy, who uploaded all of the events in one video (with timestamps) and really helped in the making of this list!

An event will always happen every 5 to 10 hours.

Mobs spawned from events will despawn after 5 minutes (mobs must be rendered for their despawn timer to take effect).

Aberrant Assimilation

"Sear-Search and DESTROY"

Aberrant assimilation.png
Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (102).png Trite
Lycanites mob number (13).png Astaroth
Lycanites mob number (52).png Grigori
Lycanites mob number (51).png Grell

Amalgalich Event.png

Amalgalich (Boss Event)

"run… Flee… You’re going to die… Run… Ruuuunnn… Retreat… Flee… You are going to die… Run… Run… Run…"

Normally, this event is triggered with the Amalgalich Boss Altar being activated. When done, it is called from the darkest reaches of the world and seeks to devour everything to increase its wretched mass; including you! It will build a large arena around you before you fight it, so be sure that you are far enough away from home before fighting this boss.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (6).png Amalgalich


Killers - Kevin Macleod
Arachnophobia Event.png


Eight-legged terrors! HAH HAH HA!

Arachnophobia spawns in the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (43).png Frostweaver
Lycanites mob number (94).png Sutiramu
Lycanites mob number (96).png Tarantula

Two of the three mobs listed here can trap you in their webs, so keep an eye out!


  • In the old days of Lycanites mobs mod: this event didn’t spawn sutiramu’s but spawned in Trites, this was later changed
Asmodeus Event.png

Asmodeus (Boss Event)

The demonic mastermind!

One of the summonable bosses is Asmodeus, which turns the surroundings of the player into a sort of arena with hellfire torch pillars and a large Netherrack wall surrounding it. Asmodeus spawns in a pillar of green fire in the middle of the arena. A modified version of the Doom music “Phobos Anomaly” also plays when the event starts and the announcer sounds more akin to the Icon of Sin from Doom 2.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (11).png Asmodeus


E1M8 Sign of Evil (Light Delta) - DOOM

BamStorm Event.png


Party on! Do-Do Do-Do-Doo! Sandstorm! Oh yeah!

BamStorm spawns in the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (63).png Kobold
Lycanites mob number (28).png Conba
Lycanites mob number (19).png Belph
Lycanites mob number (5).png Aglebemu
Lycanites mob number (34).png Djinn
Lycanites mob number (119).png Zephyr
Lycanites mob number (100).png Tremor
Lycanites mob number (14).png Balayang


Sandstorm JonBams Remix - Lycanite


  • All of these mobs are mischievous and gimmicky, so find out what each of them does to know potential weaknesses. This event was, according to the official site, made in tribute of JonBam’s Twitch livestream!
  • The music that plays when this Event begins is a Parody of the Popular Song back in the older days of YouTube Daraude: Sandstorm
Black Plague Event.png

Black Plague

The Dead at your door!

Black Plague spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (44).png Geist
Lycanites mob number (47).png Ghoul
Lycanites mob number (72).png Necrovore
Lycanites mob number (80).png Reaper
Lycanites mob number (15).png Banshee

During this event, the game is automatically switched to night, only making it harder to see the dark-shaded creatures. Take this opportunity to kill spawned Geists for creating Chupacabra Treats, because you will definitely want one of those as a pet!

Blade Flurry Event.png

Blade Flurry

Prepare to be diced and sliced!

Only Clinks and Quillbeast will spawn during this event, likely because they are among the only mobs to use bladed weapons. The Quillbeast are hostile when they spawn, instead of needing to be provoked. They can be dangerous if they gang up on you, so try and pick them off one at a time from a distance. Also, wait until they stop spawning so that they won’t be able to rely on sheer numbers to try and take you down.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (26).png Clink
Lycanites mob number (77).png Quillbeast


  • This is the only Mob event that spawns in Neutral mobs that are Automatically Hostile


The Complex - Kevin Macleod
Boulder Dash Event.png

Boulder Dash

Rock and rolling your brain!

Boulder Dash spawns hordes of Geonachs because they weren’t annoying enough already. It’ll be like those times when you were minding your own business collecting essential ores when suddenly one of them decides you’ve been getting too much ore and then try to pound you to a pulp. Those were good times.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (46).png Geonach
Lycanites mob number (105).png Vapula

Except this time, they’re everywhere, and it doesn’t matter how much ore is in your inventory.

Cinderfall Event.png


Prepare to burn!

During Cinderfall, Cinders will spawn, blasting flames. Unless you have an extremely powerful weapon or bucket of water, Cinderfall will be perhaps your greatest challenge early in the game. 

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (25).png Cinder


  • this is one of the first Mobevents Lycanite has created for his Mod

Dragons Roar Event.png

Dragons Roar

Tyrants in the sky!

Dragons Roar spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (55).png Ignibus
Lycanites mob number (71).png Morock
Lycanites mob number (76).png Quetzodracl
Lycanites mob number (27).png Cockatrice

Though certainly not as troubling as other dragons that spawn naturally, Dragons Roar is still not something to scoff at. Watch the skies, because at least one of the event’s mobs are capable of prolonged flight!

See if you can keep one Ignibus alive, because you can tame them considering you have treats for them!

Eruption Event.png


The world is going to burn!

Eruption spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (66).png Lobber
Lycanites mob number (49).png Gorger
Lycanites mob number (109).png Volcan
Lycanites mob number (100).png Tremor

Keep your distance from both of these mobs, because they will easily burn you and your items to a crisp if you don’t! This especially applies to the Khalk as it disperses lava upon death, but this is a good opportunity to get the “Run, It’s Melting!” achievement.

Happy Halloween Event.png

Happy Halloween (Holiday Event)

By (FatherToast,Gooderness,JonBams,Lycanite) Hihihihihi, it's always a trick and never a treat! *Maniacal laughter*


this is the only event (for right now) that says a different Name every time it starts; However it can sometimes not say a name and just finish’s the rest of the lineHappy Halloween spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (37).png Ent
Lycanites mob number (99).png Treant
Lycanites mob number (19).png Belph
Lycanites mob number (17).png Behemoth
Lycanites mob number (101).png Triffid
Lycanites mob number (47).png Ghoul
Lycanites mob number (31).png Cryptkeeper
Lycanites mob number (72).png Necrovore
Lycanites mob number (98).png Tpumpkyn
Lycanites mob number (116).png Wraith
Lycanites mob number (15).png Banshee
Lycanites mob number (21).png Cacodemon
Lycanites mob number (4).png Afrit
Lycanites mob number (53).png Grue
Lycanites mob number (38).png Epion

Yep. This is a seasonal event, all about the spooky ones.


  • this mobevent spawns the most mobs as of right now; with a total of 15 mobs
Hells Fury Event.png

Hells Fury

Meet your doom...

Hells Fury summons:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (19).png Belph
Lycanites mob number (17).png Behemoth
Lycanites mob number (7).png Archvile
Lycanites mob number (116).png Wraith
Lycanites mob number (21).png Cacodemon

This can be taken advantage of by using this time to tame Cacodemons using demon treats.

MotG Event.png

March of the Gorgomites

Watch them crawl!

Yo dawg, we heard you like Gorgomites, so have some more Gorgomites to go along with your Gorgomites!

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (50).png Gorgomite

During this event, Gorgomites can be seen anywhere and everywhere. Though not powerful on their own, they are capable of summoning allies as if you weren’t facing enough of them already. If you don’t have a fast way of killing these rock beetle-things, this event might never end.

An Event We Shall NEVER Speak Of Ever.png

Poop Party

What a stench..

Poop Party spawns in a swarm of smelly Conbas, who will throw poop at you and anything that threatens them. Highly unsanitary, but it’s your best bet to make the Poop Scepter if the closest Jungle biome is thousands of blocks away, which, in most cases, it is.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (28).png Conba

Primal Fury Event.png

Primal Fury

The apex are on the prowl!

Primal Fury spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (111).png Warg
Lycanites mob number (16).png Barghest
Lycanites mob number (33).png Dawon
Lycanites mob number (42).png Feradon
Lycanites mob number (70).png Maug

All of these mobs are ferocious hunters, so thinking like them is the key to survival. At the same time, all of them are elligible for taming, so try trapping one of each of them in holes, if you don’t have treats for every predator, that’s okay; just give them a name so they won’t despawn!

Rahovart Event.png

Rahovart (Boss Event)

Lord of the Underworld!

This is the event that leads to the summoning of Rahovart, one of the mod’s several bosses. When the event occurs, a grand arena will be built similar to Asmodeus before the battle begins. The track ‘Nobody Told Me About Id’ from Doom can be heard playing in the background as the arena constructs itself. As with the other bosses, make sure you’re far enough away from your house before you trigger this event!

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (78).png Rahovart

Raptor Rampage Event.png

Raptor Rampage

The hunt has begun, and you are the prey...

Raptor Rampage spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (106).png Ventoraptor
Lycanites mob number (104).png Uvaraptor

Considering the possibility that there won’t be a jungle biome for miles, this event can be your big break. Who doesn’t want an Uvaraptor?!


Volatile Reaction - Kevin Macleod


  • Raptor Rampage and The Swarm are the only mob events that use the same music Volatile Reaction
Reptile Ruckus Event.png

Reptile Ruckus

Ssssscaly and sssscandalous!

Reptile Ruckus spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (106).png Ventoraptor
Lycanites mob number (45).png Geken
Lycanites mob number (85).png Salamander
Lycanites mob number (87).png Shade

Gekens are venomous, Salamanders are fiery, and Shades will make you run in fear. It’s surprisingly beneficial if you’re looking to tame either the Salamander or Shade, because they can be hard to find on the surface!


In a Heartbeat - Kevin Macleod
Root Riot Event.png

Root Riot

Forest parasites!

Root Riot spawns in Spriggans, who will blast you with their health-draining lasers. As if they weren’t already troublesome in forests, now they’re all over the place!

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (88).png Shambler
Lycanites mob number (101).png Triffid
Lycanites mob number (98).png Tpumpkyn
Lycanites mob number (92).png Spriggan

On a plus note, this can be a good chance to acquire lifesteal charges for the staff.


Skye Cuillin - Kevin Macleod
RtBSJ Event.png

Rudolph the Blood-Stained Jabberwock (Holiday Event)

...Has wicked and vicious claws. And if you don’t run right now, YOU’LL SPEND CHRISTMAS IN HIS JAWS!

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (58).png Jabberwock
Lycanites mob number (113).png Wildkin

It’s not just the Jabberwock, though. It’s also the Wildkin that spawns. Those Jabberwocks are also Scarlet ones named Rudolph and Wildkins look like emperor penguins.


Rudolph the Bloodstained Jabberwock - Lycanite
Salty Tree Event.png

Salty Tree (Holiday Event)

♪...How lovely is your... REKT!!

Salty Tree spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (37).png Ent
Lycanites mob number (99).png Treant
Lycanites mob number (113).png Wildkin

Obviously, this event is centered around Christmas trees with just a pinch of salt... okay, maybe the whole shaker.


Salty Tree - Lycanite


  • this is one of the events in the mod that spawns in mobs that is unrelated to the event (The Swarm does not count due to Conbas being infected with Baby Vespids)
Satan Claws Event.png

Satan Claws (Holiday Event)

♪You better watch out. You better not cry. If you make a sound he'll skin you alive! Satan Claws is coming... to KILL!HAHAHAHA!

For whatever reason, the official website does not list any mobs that spawn during the event. However, these ‘Satan Claws’ mentioned in the jingle are actually Reapers named such, and they wear red robes and use sharp candy canes for claws. They normally spawn sometimes after killing passive mobs, but only the Satan Claws skin spawns during this event.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (80).png Reaper

This is why you shouldn’t misspell ‘Santa’, kids!


Satan Claws is Coming to Kill - Lycanite
Sea Storm Event.png

Sea Storm

Birds of prey!

Sea Storm spawns in Raikos, who will pick you up and drop you from the sky. If this occurs while inside of a village, be prepared for that entire village to get massacred by these birds. Also, it will mean trouble if you don’t kill them before they plop you into the water, because the mod hosts very dangerous ocean life.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (79).png Raiko
Lycanites mob number (76).png Quetzodracl
Lycanites mob number (2).png Abtu

According to the official page, this is actually the result of a mass migration of Raikos as they retreat towards the world’s equator before winter. This makes sense as they resemble pelicans, sound like seagulls, and are very hungry when they spawn in.

Shadow Games Event.png

Shadow Games

Death in the dark!

Shadow Games spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (32).png Darkling
Lycanites mob number (87).png Shade
Lycanites mob number (53).png Grue
Lycanites mob number (91).png Spectre (Lycanites Mobs)

A notable feature of this event is that it automatically switches to night time during this event. With mobs this creepy, however, chances are that this is going to be the longest night of your life.

If it’s this dark, you are likely to be eaten by a Grue. Not only that, your blood could also get sucked by an Epion flying over you. However, this can be a great opportunity to get a cool Epion pet so that‘s always nice considering you have someplace dark to store one.


Zombie Hoodoo - Kevin Macleod
Sharknado Event.png


AH! Sharknado! Jaws are coming for you!

Even the announcer sounds panicked about this one...

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (83).png Roa

Sharknado spawns Roas, which are probably the closest the mod has to sharks. This is the result of them generating massive whirlpools and taking to the skys for migration over land. Roas can be tamed, however, so see if you can find ponds to tame one in.


The Logo that is used for “Sharknado” is from the very popular 2000’s Film “Sharknado”. Specifically Sharknado 2

Sub Zero Event.png

Sub Zero

Freeze in fear!

Sub Zero will spawn Reivers. They are in essence the Cinders of the frost biome, and their fire spreads uncontrollably unless you put it out quickly or isolate it.

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (81).png Reiver

In case you were wondering - yes, this is a good opportunity to farm charges that they drop to create the staff. However, because it is such a running theme in the mod, chances are that you already knew that.

The Swarm Event.png

The Swarm

Outnumbered and alone...

The Swarm spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (28).png Conba
Lycanites mob number (108).png Vespid
Lycanites mob number (107).png Vespid Queen

What may or may not become obvious early on is that the Conbas in this event are already infested by Vespids, meaning that they will spawn even more Vespids that will go after you.


  • This is the only event that has a mob that only spawns in event wise Infested Conbas which is the only mob that makes other mobs when dead (besides asaroths and Asmodeus making Trites when dead)


Volatile Reaction - Kevin Macleod
Tsunami Event.png


Brave the storm!

Tsunami spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (59).png Jengu
Lycanites mob number (119).png Zephyr

Tsunami is interesting as it will also start a rain storm as well as BamStorm In case you didn’t know how annoying Jengus are yet, don’t worry, because this event can give you a demonstation.

Wind Storm Event.png

Wind Storm

Death from above!

Wind Storm spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (84).png Roc
Lycanites mob number (71).png Morock
Lycanites mob number (34).png Djinn

You’d expect other types of flying mobs too, right? Wrong! Obviously, you may want to find someplace to hide for when they start dropping Creepers on your head, or conduct bombing raids on your village.


The Forgotten Crypt - TeknoAxe
Winged Venom Event.png

Winged Venom

Acid rain!

Winged Venom spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (82).png Remobra
Lycanites mob number (36).png Eechetik
Lycanites mob number (117).png Xaphan

Since these are dragon-like creatures, you would expect them to spawn during Dragons Roar, right? Wrong again! Rather, they have their own event since they are easily killed unlike the real dragons. The fact that they attack from range, however, can be bothersome.

Winter’s Grasp Event.png

Winter’s Grasp

The weather outside is frightful...

Winter’s Grasp spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (112).png Wendigo
Lycanites mob number (86).png Serpix

Winter’s Grasp is a true test of your skills in one event. There is a lot of Wendigos and Serpix but also a cool pet to keep if you succeed. Just mind your personal space and you should be alright unless you’re not outside when the event starts.


this event technically spawns in Reivers Aswell but they only spawn from the Wendigos Ice Fire Trail

YHRoaCF Event.png

Your Head Roasting On A Cinder Fire (Holiday Event)

Lobbers burning off your nose... Afrit beasts trying to set you ablaze... And the Arix will freeze you till you’re stone!

This event spawns the following mobs:

Mob Image Mob Name
Lycanites mob number (66).png Lobber
Lycanites mob number (112).png Wendigo
Lycanites mob number (113).png Wildkin
Lycanites mob number (25).png Cinder
Lycanites mob number (4).png Afrit
Lycanites mob number (81).png Reiver
Lycanites mob number (10).png Arix

This is, once again, a seasonal event that doesn’t need to be explained much further.


Your Head Roasting on a Cinder Fire - Lycanite


this is the only holiday event that spawns in mobs that don’t have a Holiday Themed Skin like Reapers as Satan Clawz or Ents as Salty Trees

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