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Ventoraptor are large, bird-like creatures that are found in plains biome hunting for prey.


Once it has spotted its prey the Ventoraptor will leap to its prey. While leaping the Ventoraptor also glides. The Ventoraptor leap goes farther and is much faster than its counterpart the Uvaraptor. It will then start attacking its prey by using its beak.


Ventoraptor can spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Plains
  • Savanna

Ventoraptor can not spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Snowy

Ventoraptor spawners can be found in Common Doomlike Dungeons and Dungeons (Vanilla).


Much like a garden variety of other mobs in the mod, Ventoraptor can be tamed, and will require you to make tasty treats for them before you can do so. In order to try and tame one, you will likely need more than one treat, because these mobs are greedy and will try to kill you at the same time.

If the Ventoraptor wants more treats, it will say so in the chat. If not and it stops attacking you, it will read, “The Ventoraptor seems to love you now!” Congratulations, you’ve tamed a mob you can roam around with it in the Overworld! Now all you’ll need is a saddle and pet armor (for extra protection) and you’re ready to roam around the Overworld.

Sub Species

For every Ventoraptor that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Ventoraptors can be Ashen or Azure. An Ashen Ventoraptor has a green legs, wings and beak. It also has a greenish-stone looking body. An Azure Ventoraptor has blue legs, wings and beak. It also has a blueish-stone looking body. Uncommon Ventoraptors have higher stats than a regular Ventoraptor. This does not change their behavior.

Pet Ventoraptor Abilities

Pet Ventoraptors gain the ability to dash like the Warg and Uvaraptor. The Ventoraptors dash is the fastest making it the "best" land mount. It also takes 0 fall damage.