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Barghest are very competent climbers which makes them a great mountain predator.


Barghest can spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Mountain
  • Savanna

Barghest spawners can be found in Dungeons (Vanilla).


Barghest cannot be summoned in any way.


For every Barghest that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Barghest can be Dark or Scarlet. A Dark Barghest is dark brown, while a Scarlet Barghest is red. Uncommon Barghest have double the health of a regular Barghest. This does not change their behavior.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Barghest, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the level of a Barghest. Barghest spawned in Dungeons will also be higher level than normal.


When attacking, Barghests leap highly at their enemy and cause heavy damage. Their attacks cause Weight II for 30 seconds, and Bleeding for another 7, making them annoying threats even after death. While one Barghest can be dealt with easily, its when they are in a group with other mobs that it becomes a dire threat. Their Weight effect can make it impossible to run from the horde, and Bleeding discourages running.

If a Barghest approaches, stand your ground and attack with some kind of ranged weapon. Bows and Spears work well, but any projectile should be enough to fend it off.


Barghests can be tamed using Beast treats and healed using any cooked meat.


Once tamed, only a saddle is needed to mount it. Its mount ability lets it jump very high into the air and land paralyzing around enemies. It also attacks the enemy the rider attacks.


• Barghests can climb walls.

• The Barghest's name is inspired by the mythical creature of the same name. The same applies with the Chupacabra.