Cockatrice (Ice and Fire)

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Cockatrice is a mob from Ice and Fire that is naturally hostile to the player, attacking with a debuff applying stare, of which Blindfold negates the effects of.

See also Cockatrice (Lycanites Mobs) for a creature from Lycanites Mobs of the same name


Savanna Biome[1]



Crossing eyes with an untamed Cockatrice will provoke them to respond with a ranged tethered visory attack, causing damage, as well as Slowness, Nausea II and Wither III. Spawned from Chicken, they are protective over their passive avian kin.


A wild Cockatrice can be tamed by looking it in the eyes for long enough*. Alternatively, a Rotten Egg can be thrown for a 25% chance at spawning a tamed one.

Tamed Cockatrice

A tamed Cockatrice can be right clicked with an empty hand to switch modes.

Follow: Follow the player, assisting in combat

Patrol: Patrol a 50 block radius

Wander: Wander freely

Sit: Sit


  • While taming a wild Cockatrice, in order to survive the damage incurred by its wither stare, the player can turn away and heal in between.