Ice and Fire

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Ice and Fire is a Mod created by Raptorfarian and Alexthe666 that adds a variety of mobs, blocks and items.

Dragons are assholes.


Ice and Fire adds creatures from mythologies to Minecraft.


There are 2 types of dragons in Ice and Fire: Fire Dragons and Ice Dragons. Fire Dragons breathe fire, while Ice Dragons breathe ice. Dragons have 5 growth stages. Stage 1 and 2 are tiny, when it's a baby. Stage 3 is medium-sized. Stage 4 is a adult. Stage 5 is fully grown. More information can be found in these pages: Dragon, Ice Dragon (I&F wiki), Fire Dragon (I&F wiki)

Image Mob Name
Ice and fire mob number (5).png Fire Dragon
Ice and fire mob number (9).png Ice Dragon

Other creatures

Other than dragons Ice and Fire adds:

Image Mob Name
Ice and fire mob number (1).png Amphithere
Ice and fire mob number (2).png Cockatrice
Ice and fire mob number (3).png Cyclops
Ice and fire mob number (4).png Death Worm
Ice and fire mob number (6).png Gorgon
Ice and fire mob number (7).png Hippocampus
Ice and fire mob number (8).png Hippogryph
Ice and fire mob number (10).png Myrmex Queen
Ice and fire mob number (11).png Myrmex Royal
Ice and fire mob number (12).png Myrmex Sentinel
Ice and fire mob number (13).png Myrmex Soldier
Ice and fire mob number (14).png Myrmex Worker
Ice and fire mob number (15).png Pixie
Ice and fire mob number (16).png Sea Serpent
Ice and fire mob number (17).png Siren
Ice and fire mob number (18).png Snow Villager
Ice and fire mob number (19).png Stymphalian Bird
Ice and fire mob number (20).png Troll

Items and Blocks

Ice and Fire also adds many items and blocks.

  • Manuscript
  • Sapphire
  • Silver Ingot
  • Silver Nugget
  • Silver Helmet
  • Silver Chestplate
  • Silver Leggings
  • Silver Boots
  • Silver Sword
  • Silver Shovel
  • Silver Pickaxe
  • Silver Axe
  • Silver Hoe
  • Fire Lily Mixture
  • Frost Lily Mixture
  • Dragon Egg
  • Dragon Scales
  • Dragon Bone
  • Witherbone
  • Ancient Fishing Spear
  • Witherbone Shard
  • Dragon Bone Sword
  • Dragon Bone Shovel
  • Dragon Bone Pickaxe
  • Dragon Bone Axe
  • Dragon Bone Hoe
  • Flamed Dragon Bone Sword
  • Iced Dragon Bone Sword
  • Dragon Bone Arrow
  • Dragon Bone Bow
  • Dragon Meal
  • Sickly Dragon Meal
  • Fire Dragon Flesh
  • Ice Dragon Flesh
  • Fire Dragon Heart
  • Ice Dragon Heart
  • Fire Dragon Blood
  • Ice Dragon Blood
  • Dragon Command Staff
  • Dragon Horn
  • Dragon Bone Flute
  • Iron Hippogryph Armor
  • Gold Hippogryph Armor
  • Diamond Hippogryph Armor
  • Gorgon Head
  • Blindfold
  • Pixie Dust (Ice and Fire)
  • Ambrosia
  • Sheep Disguise Helmet
  • Sheep Disguise Chestplate
  • Sheep Disguise Leggings
  • Sheep Disguise Boots
  • Shiny Scales
  • Earplugs
  • Tan Death Worm Chitin
  • White Death Worm Chitin
  • Red Death Worm Chitin
  • Tan Death Worm Chitin Helmet
  • Tan Death Worm Chitin Chestplate
  • Tan Death Worm Chitin Leggings
  • Tan Death Worm Chitin Boots
  • White Death Worm Chitin Helmet
  • White Death Worm Chitin Chestplate
  • White Death Worm Chitin Leggings
  • White Death Worm Chitin
  • Red Death Worm Chitin Helmet
  • Red Death Worm Chitin Chestplate
  • Red Death Worm Chitin Leggings
  • Red Death Worm Chitin Boots
  • Death Worm Egg
  • Giant Death Worm Egg
  • Rotten Egg
  • Stymphalian Bird Feather
  • Stymphalian Arrow
  • Troll Tusk
  • Desert Myrmex Resin Chunk
  • Jungle Myrmex Resin Chunk
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin
  • Myrmex Stinger
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Sword
  • Desert Myrmex Stinger Sword
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Shovel
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Pickaxe
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Axe
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Hoe
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Sword
  • Jungle Myrmex Stinger Sword
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Shovel
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Pickaxe
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Axe
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Hoe
  • Desert Myrmex Staff
  • Jungle Myrmex Staff
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Helmet
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Chestplate
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Leggings
  • Desert Myrmex Chitin Boots
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Helmet
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Chestplate
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Leggings
  • Jungle Myrmex Chitin Boots
  • Amphithere Feather
  • Amphithere Arrow
  • Sea Serpent Fang
  • Tide Arrow
  • Dragon Scale Helmet
  • Dragon Scale Chestplate
  • Dragon Scale Leggings
  • Dragon Scale Boots
  • Sea Serpent Scales
  • Tide Guardian Helmet
  • Tide Guardian Chestplate
  • Tide Guardian Leggings
  • Tide Guardian Boots
  • Troll's Axe
  • Troll's Stone Column
  • Troll's Mossy Column
  • Troll's Frosted Column
  • Troll's Hammer
  • Troll's Tree Trunk
  • Troll's Frosted Tree Trunk
  • Forest Troll Leather
  • Forest Troll Leather Helmet
  • Forest Troll Leather Chestplate
  • Forest Troll Leather Leggings
  • Forest Troll Leather Boots
  • Frost Troll Leather
  • Frost Troll Leather Helmet
  • Frost Troll Leather Chestplate
  • Frost Troll Leather Leggings
  • Frost Troll Leather Boots
  • Mountain Troll Leather
  • Mountain Troll Leather Helmet
  • Mountain Troll Leather Chestplate
  • Mountain Troll Leather Leggings
  • Mountain Troll Leather Boots
  • Lectern
  • Oak Podium
  • Spruce Podium
  • Birch Podium
  • Jungle Podium
  • Acacia Podium
  • Dark Oak Podium
  • Fire Lily
  • Frost Lily
  • Pile of Gold
  • Pile of Silver
  • Silver Ore
  • Sapphire Ore
  • Silver Block
  • Sapphire Block
  • Charred Dirt
  • Charred Grass
  • Charred Stone
  • Charred Cobblestone
  • Charred Gravel
  • Charred Grass Path
  • Ash
  • Frozen Dirt
  • Frozen Grass
  • Frozen Stone
  • Frozen Cobblestone
  • Frozen Gravel
  • Frozen Grass Path
  • Frozen Splinters
  • Dragon Ice
  • Dragon Ice Spikes
  • Dragon Nest
  • Bown Mushroom Pixie Hovel
  • Red Mushroom Pixie Hovel
  • Birch Pixie Hovel
  • Oak Pixie Hovel
  • Dark Oak Pixie Hovel
  • Spruce Pixie Hovel
  • Jar
  • Desert Myrmex Resin
  • Jungle Myrmex Resin
  • Sticky Desert Myrmex Resin
  • Sticky Jungle Myrmex Resin
  • Desert Myrmex Cocoon
  • Jungle Myrmex Cocoon
  • Desert Myrmex Bioluminescence
  • Jungle Myrmex Bioluminescence
  • Hardened Desert Myrmex Resin
  • Hardened Jungle Myrmex Resin
  • Desert Myrmex Resin Glass
  • Jungle Myrmex Resin Glass
  • Bestiary
  • Dragon Skull
  • Iron Dragon Armor
  • Gold Dragon Armor
  • Diamond Dragon Armor
  • Hippogryph Egg
  • Desert Myrmex Egg
  • Jungle Myrmex Egg
  • Pixie Jar
  • Frozen Dragon Egg
  • Stone Statue


  • Note that since RLCraft uses an older version of Ice and Fire, from before Dragonsteel was added, you will be unable to get the updated Ice and Fire's Dragonsteel set of tools and armor due to Shivaxi considering them to be overpowered. But if you insist on updating the mod, the Dragonsteel set are set to the requirement of Level 32 of specific skills by default.

ru:Ice and Fire