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Aegis are Order Elemental mobs from Lycanites Mobs that protect villages and their inhabitants.


Aegis spawn from villages in groups of 1-3. This includes manmade villages as long as they are valid.


If the player has a Knowledge Rank of 2 of the Aegis, it can be summoned as a temporary allied minion with a Summoning Staff. They can not be tamed, only temporarily summoned.


For every Aegis that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Aegis can be Russet or Dark. A Russet Aegis is brown in color, while a Dark Aegis is dark red with a black core. Uncommon Aegis have double the health of a regular Aegis.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Aegis, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the Lvl of an Aegis. Aegis can not spawn in Dungeons.


Aegis are a neutral mob and will idle around Villages. If attacked, they will aggro back and attack the player. They have two modes: defensive and aggressive. They will swap between these modes every few seconds. A defensive Aegis will have shields surrounding it and will take extremely reduced damage. An aggressive Aegis will have blades surrounding it and rapidly deal large amounts of damage. Despite the fact that the defensive form takes less damage, it is often advised to avoid attacking up close during the aggressive phase, as they will quickly kill you without strong armor.


Aegis will fuse with other nearby base elementals to form stronger ones. ArgusCinder, DjinnGeonach, and Jengu elementals can fuse to form a Lvl 20 mob of the respective type. If both elementals are Uncommon, the resulting elemental will also be Uncommon. The following is a full list of results when a mob is combined with an Aegis:

Base Element Second Element Result
Aegis Argus Spectre (Lycanites Mobs)
Aegis Cinder Wisp
Aegis Djinn Sylph
Aegis Geonach Vapula
Aegis Jengu Nymph