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Cinders are Fire Elemental mobs from Lycanites Mobs that aggressively shoot fire at anything in their path.


Cinders spawn from Fire blocks in groups of 1-3. There must be at least 12 Fire blocks (8 if in the Nether) within a 32 cubic block radius for Cinders to spawn. In addition, there must be no more than 5 Cinders in that same radius.

Cinder spawners can be found in Volcanic Doomlike Dungeons, Ashen Mausoleums (Lycanites Dungeon) and Dungeons (Vanilla).

Fire sources

RLCraft contains many different things that can spawn large amounts of the fire required for Cinders to spawn. This includes, but is not limited to:

Although Cinders shoot fire, they can not create more fire. This means that they can not spawn each other.


If the player has a Knowledge Rank of at least 2 of the Cinder, it can be summoned as a temporary allied minion with a Summoning Staff. They can not be tamed, only temporarily summoned.

A Verdant Cinder in the Nether.


See Variant System for more information.

For every Cinder that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Cinders can be Azure or Verdant. An Azure Cinder is bright blue in color, while a Verdant Cinder is bright green. Uncommon Cinders have double the Health of a regular Cinder.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Cinders, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the Level of a Cinder, and Cinders spawned in Dungeons will also be higher Level than normal.


Cinders are aggressive mobs that attack the player on sight. They attack with a medium range barrage of Ember Charges, which deal 2 pummeling damage and ignite the player. In addition, they usually fly a safe distance away from the player while attacking. A Bow and some arrows are recommended for tackling them early on. Additionally, water is an excellent Cinder deterrent and nearly negates their damage. However, water can be risky as it can spawn Jengu, which a Cinder can fuse with if close enough. Fire resistance is also a good deterrent and will stop the attacks from igniting the player; yet the player will still be dealt projectile damage from the charges.


Cinders will fuse with other nearby base elementals to form stronger ones. Aegis, Argus, Djinn, Geonach, and Jengu elementals can fuse to form a Level 20 mob of the respective type. If both elementals are Uncommon, the resulting elemental will also be Uncommon. The following is a full list of results when a mob is combined with a Cinder:

Base Element Second Element Result
Cinder Aegis Wisp
Cinder Argus Grue
Cinder Djinn Zephyr
Cinder Geonach Volcan
Cinder Jengu Xaphan