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Spriggans are mystical arbor elementals known to manifest when plant life is disturbed. They are recognized for their life-draining lasers which cause moderate damage and heal them overtime.


Spriggans are a nuisance in the early game as they have a chance to spawn when breaking grass, leaves, and especially flowers. They can still attack you even if you can’t reach them, but they will eventually float down low enough for you to hit them. Bring a ranged weapon such as a bow to take them down.


Spriggan spawners can be found in Villagelike Doomlike Dungeons, Lush Tombs (Lycanites Dungeon) and Dungeons (Vanilla).

Every time you break crops or grass, there is a 0.08% chance of a Spriggan to spawn.


You will surely be able to use the items that Spriggans drop, especially sticks and logs. If you somehow can’t find coal (or you’re afraid to mine because of Geonachs), you can craft a flint and steel. Burning Spriggans to death yields charcoal, which can be useful as furnace fuel.

Sub Species

For every Spriggan that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Spriggan can be Golden or Scarlet. A Golden Spriggan has yellow body, leaves and hat and light brown arms, and a Scarlet Spriggan has red and yellow leaves, body and hat and purple arms. Uncommon Spriggans have higher stats than a regular Spriggans. This does not change their behavior.


Spriggans can be spawned in a friendly state by using the Summoning Staff. Once summoned, it will attack hostile mobs for you. Friendly Spriggans and other elementals can be useful in boss battles as they can float over the heads of bosses, but what makes Spriggans better for this is their survivability. As long as they keep damaging the boss, they will continuously heal, so even if the boss in question has a ranged attack, the Spriggan will be able to survive at least two or three hits.

Even in the worst case scenario, summoned Spriggans can still act as cannon fodder to distract bosses.


If a wild Geonanch and Jengu fuse, they can form a Lvl 20 Spriggan. If both the Jengu and Geonanch are from a players summoning staff they will form a Lvl 2 Spriggan. If the Geonanch and Jengu are both Uncommon, the resulting Spriggan will also be Uncommon.