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Nymphs are Fae Elemental mobs from Lycanites Mobs that regenerate the health of any living entities nearby.


Nymphs spawn from Flowers. There must be at least 8 flowers within a 32 cubic block radius for Nymphs to spawn. In addition, there can only be a single Nymph in that same radius.


If the player has a Knowledge Rank of at least 2 of the Aegis and Jengu, they can be summoned as temporary allied minions with a Summoning Staff. The two minions can then fuse into a Nymph if they are close enough together. They can not be tamed, only temporarily summoned.


For every Nymph that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Nymphs can be Dark or Golden. A Dark Nymph is dark red with a dark purple and blue body, while a Golden Nymph is gold colored with a blue body. Uncommon Nymphs have double the Health of a regular Nymph. This does not change their behavior.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Nymphs, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the Lvl of a Nymph. A Nymph created by fusion will always be Lvl 20. Nymphs can not spawn in Dungeons.


Nymphs will float around the world, healing any nearby mobs, including the player. It applies the Regeneration effect to any mobs nearby, healing them at a rate of approximately 1 half heart per second. If attacked, they will flee and fire Faebolt Charges at the player.

A wild Lvl 20 Nymph fused by naturally spawning Aegis and Jengu.

In RLCraft, the Nymph is an incredibly useful mob to have nearby, as it has the ability to regenerate the health of the player, hypothetically infinitely (as long as the nymph is kept safe), without the use of healing items. Keeping a decent amount of flowers around a player's house is a good way to ensure that the player can regenerate health easily.

The Nymph can also be quite annoying, as it might fly away from the player or heal a mob that the player is fighting, but the Nymph is still overall very useful.


If a wild Aegis and Jengu fuse, they can form a Lvl 20 Nymph. If the Aegis and Jengu are both Uncommon, the resulting Nymph will also be Uncommon.


It would be wise to craft a grappling hook (1 iron pickaxe, 1 lead) to drag a nymph into your home. This would make you regenerate in your home, further making your home a safe sanctuary. Naming the nymph with a name tag will make it never despawn. You could dig a 2x2 hole in your home and (with some work) drag your nymph into it and close the hole. Lighting up the hole and perhaps using glass above it will let you see your nymph and stop enemies from spawning in the hole.