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Jengu are Water Elemental mobs from Lycanites Mobs that protect the water, and attack those they consider 'unpure'.


Jengu can spawn in any Overwold biome. Can only spawn in water. (There is a limit of 5 Jengu in a 48 cubic block radius)

Jengu spawners can be found in Oceanic Doomlike Dungeons and Dungeons (Vanilla).


If the player has a Knowledge Rank of 2 of the Jengu, it can be summoned as a temporary minion with a Summoning Staff. They can not be tamed, only temporarily summoned.


For every Jengu that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Jengu can be Light or Keppel. A Light Jengu is light pink, while a Keppel Jengu is blue-green. Uncommon Jengu have double the health of a regular Jengu. This does not change their behavior.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Jengus, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the Lvl of a Jengu. Jengu spawned in Dungeons will also be higher Lvl than normal.


Jengu are aggressive mobs that attack on sight. They attack with a long range Aqua Pulse, which deals 2 damage and creates water on contact. They usually fly a safe distance away from the player while attacking. A Bow and some arrows are recommended for tackling them early on. They are not especially dangerous unless found in large numbers, as their damage is quite low. However, as they attack from above, they are prone to headshots.


Jengu will fuse with other nearby base elementals to form stronger ones. Aegis, Argus, Cinder, Djinn, and Geonach elementals can fuse to form a Lvl 20 mob of the respective type. If both elementals are Uncommon, the resulting elemental will also be Uncommon. The following is a full list of results when a mob is combined with a Jengu:

Base Element Second Element Result
Jengu Aegis Nymph
Jengu Argus Eechetik
Jengu Cinder Xaphan
Jengu Djinn Reiver
Jengu Geonach Spriggan