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Remobra are poisonous flying dragons that spit venom.


Remobra can spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Swamp
  • Spooky

Remobra spawners can be found in Continental Shelf Doomlike Dungeons, Dank Doomlike Dungeons and Dungeons (Vanilla).


2 Summoning focus is needed to summon Remobra.


For every Remobra that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Remobra can be Golden or Verdant. A Golden Remobra is bright yellow, while a Verdant Remobra is green. Uncommon Remobra have double the health of a regular Remobra. This does not change their behavior.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Remobra, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the level of a Remobra. Remobra spawned in Dungeons will also be higher level than normal.


When attacking, Remobras split venom. If the venom hit the enemy, it will effect the enemy with plague. If the venom hit the ground, it will burst into poisonous cloud.