Reforging Station (Quality Tools)

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The Reforging Station, from Quality Tools, allows the player to re-roll the mod's qualities on any weapon, tool, armor, or bauble item.


Reforging Station (Quality Tools) is made with 2 Stone Slabs, 1 Anvil, 2 Obsidian and 1 Crafting Table.

Stone Slab Anvil Stone Slab Reforging Station (Quality Tools)
Obsidian Crafting Table Obsidian


By placing an item in the top slot and a matching material, or a Nether Star in the bottom slot, the player can reforge the quality of the item in the top slot at the cost of the item in the bottom slot. The max qualities on each item are:

  • Armor and Horse Armor: Masterful
  • Tools, Weapons, and Bows: Legendary
  • Fishing Rods: Lucky
  • Baubles: Undying and Punishing
Reforging Station (Quality Tools) menu.png

Quality Reforges

For each type of item, there is a set of potential qualities that are drawn from. Which quality is given to an item upon crafting or reforging is determined by the quality's weight, with a higher weight being more likely. The weight of no quality being given to an item is called "normal," and only factors in when finding items or crafting them. Items re-rolled in the Reforging Station are guaranteed to be given a quality, based on the remaining weights. Certain categories apply to a variety of items:

  • Chestplate qualities apply to elytra as well
  • Tool qualities apply to swords, pickaxes, axes, shovels, hoes, and shears
  • Trinket qualities apply to anything that can go in baubles slots and also the totem of undying

However, shield qualities do not apply to the Cobalt Shield, Obsidian Shield, or Ankh Shield. Despite them being usable as shields those three items count as trinkets.

Helmet Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Crumbling 8 -1 Armor Toughness
-6 Armor
-1 Magic Shielding
Dented 10 -4 Armor
Heavy 10 -10% Speed
Normal 100
Thick 10 -5% Speed
+2 Locational Armor
Tough 10 +1 Locational Armor Toughness
Protective 10 +2 Locational Armor
Arcane 10 +1 Magic Shielding
Lucky 10 +0.5 Luck
Masterful 5 +0.5 Luck
+1 Locational Armor Toughness
+2 Locational Armor

Chestplate Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Crumbling 8 -1 Armor Toughness
-3 Armor
-1 Magic Shielding
Cumbersome 10 -10% Dig Speed
-10% Attack Speed
Dented 10 -2 Armor
Heavy 10 -10% Speed
Normal 100
Thick 10 -5% Speed
+1 Locational Armor
Tough 10 +1 Locational Armor Toughness
Protective 10 +1 Locational Armor
Arcane 10 +1 Magic Shielding
Solid 10 +0.5 Knockback Resistance
Masterful 5 +1 Locational Armor Toughness
+1 Locational Armor
+0.5 Knockback Resistance

Leggings Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Crumbling 8 -1 Armor Toughness
-3 Armor
-1 Magic Shielding
Dented 10 -2 Armor
Heavy 10 -10% Speed
Normal 100
Thick 10 -5% Speed
+1 Locational Armor
Tough 10 +1 Locational Armor Toughness
Protective 10 +1 Locational Armor
Arcane 10 +1 Magic Shielding
Springy 10 +0.5 Jump Height
Masterful 5 +0.5 Jump Height
+1 Locational Armor Toughness
+1 Locational Armor

Boots Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Crumbling 8 -1 Armor Toughness
-4.5 Armor
-1 Magic Shielding
Dented 10 -3 Armor
Heavy 10 -10% Speed
Normal 100
Thick 10 -5% Speed
+1.5 Locational Armor
Tough 10 +1 Locational Armor Toughness
Protective 10 +1.5 Locational Armor
Arcane 10 +1 Magic Shielding
Tall 10 +0.5 Step Height
Speedy 10 +10% Speed
Masterful 5 +0.5 Step Height
+10% Speed
+1 Locational Armor Toughness
+1.5 Locational Armor

Horse Armor Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Crumbling 8 -2 Armor
-1 Magic Shielding
Dented 10 -1 Armor
Heavy 10 -10% Speed
Normal 100
Thick 10 -10% Speed
+2 Armor
Protective 10 +2 Armor
Arcane 10 +1 Magic Shielding
Speedy 10 +10% Speed
Masterful 5 +10% Speed
+2 Armor

Tools Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Worthless 10 -10% Dig Speed
-10% Attack Speed
-10% Attack Damage
-1 Reach Distance
Broken 10 -15% Attack Damage
Bulky 10 -15% Dig Speed
-15% Attack Speed
Rusted 10 -10% Dig Speed
-10% Attack Damage
Clumsy 10 -5% Dig Speed
-5% Attack Damage
Chipped 10 -5% Attack Speed
-5% Attack Damage
Short 10 -1 Reach Distance
Normal 100
Broad 10 -5% Dig Speed
-5% Attack Speed
+10% Attack Damage
Thin 10 +10% Attack Speed
-5% Attack Damage
Pokey 10 -10% Dig Speed
+5% Attack Damage
Vicious 10 +15% Attack Damage
-0.5 Reach Distance
Long 10 +0.5 Reach Distance
Sharp 10 +10% Attack Damage
Keen 10 +10% Attack Speed
+10% Attack Damage
Graceful 10 +15% Dig Speed
+15% Attack Speed
Sweeping 10 +20% Attack Speed
+0.5 Reach Distance
Legendary 5 +10% Dig Speed
+10% Attack Speed
+15% Attack Damage
+0.5 Reach Distance

Shields Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Heavy 10 -10% Speed
Normal 60
Thick 10 -5% Speed
+0.5 Armor
Arcane 10 +1 Magic Shielding
Solid 5 +0.5 Knockback Resistance

Bows Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Cracked 5 -15% Projectile Damage
Clumsy 10 -5% Projectile Damage
Normal 50
Light 10 +5% Projectile Damage
Powerful 5 +10% Projectile Damage
Legendary 2 +15% Projectile Damage

Fishing Rods Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Unlucky 5 -0.5 Luck
Normal 50
Lucky 5 +0.5 Luck

Trinket Qualities

Name Weight Attributes
Horrible 10 -5% Projectile Damage
-5% Attack Damage
-5% Magic Damage
Clunky 10 -5% Dig Speed
-5% Speed
-5% Attack Speed
Unlucky 10 -0.2 Luck
Normal 100
Lucky 10 +0.2 Luck
Healthy 10 +2 Max Health
Armored 10 +3% Damage Resistance
Speedy 10 +5% Speed
Springy 10 +0.5 Jump Height
Prospecting 10 +3% Dig Speed
Flailing 10 +3% Attack Speed
Shielding 10 +1 Magic Shielding
Focusing 10 +3% Magic Damage
+1 MP Regen
Aiming 10 +3% Projectile Damage
Strengthening 10 +3% Attack Damage
Graceful 10 +3% Dig Speed

+3% Attack Speed

Athletic 10 +5% Speed
+0.5 Jump Height
Punishing 5 +3% Projectile Damage
+3% Attack Damage
+3% Magic Damage
Arcane 5 +3% Magic Damage
+2 MP Regen
+1 Magic Shielding
Undying 5 +3% Damage Resistance
+2 Max Health
+1 Magic Shielding

Reforging Materials

Every weapon, tool, armor piece and bauble that can be reforged has a singular item with which they can be reforged. Most of the time this will be the item that they are made of or what they can be repaired with. For example with *Iron Ingots you can reforge: |Iron Helmet, |Iron Sword, Iron Rapier, Iron Halberd, |Iron Pickaxe, etc.

There are few exceptions when it comes to reforging certain items:

List of Reforging Materials

Item Name Reforging Material
Any Item Nether Star
Wooden Tools/Weapons Any Wood Planks (some only work with vanilla wood)
Stone Tools/Weapons Any Cobblestone (some only work with vanilla cobblestone)
Iron Tools/Weapons/Armor Iron Ingot
Diamond Tools/Weapons/Armor Diamond
Bronze Weapons Bronze Ingot
Umbrium Tools/Weapons/Armor Umbrium Ingot
Silver Tools/Weapons/Armor Silver Ingot
Steel Weapons Steel Ingot
Dragon Bone Tools/Weapons (including flamed and iced) Dragon Bone
Myrmex Tools/Weapons/Armor (Normal and Stinger) Myrmex Chitin (corresponding type)
Neptunium Tools/Weapons/Armor Neptunium Ingot
Troll Armor Troll Leather (corresponding type)
Dragon Scale Armor Dragon Scales (corresponding color)
Tide Guardian Armor Sea Serpent Scales (corresponding color)
Golem Armor Steel Ingot
Living/Sentient Weapons (except Bow) Infectious Blade Fragment
Living/Sentient Bow Dried Tendons
Living/Sentient Armors Vile Shell
Emerald Ring Emerald
All RLArtifact Baubles Spectral Silt
Emerald Amulet Emerald
Light Arrow Quiver Leather
Moderate Arrow Quiver Leather
Heavy Arrow Quiver Leather
Light Bolt Quiver Leather
Moderate Bolt Quiver Leather
Heavy Bolt Quiver Leather
Tool Belt Leather
Potion Ring (any type) Gold Ingot
Cross Necklace Spectral Silt
Cobalt Shield Spectral Silt / Iron Ingot
Obsidian Shield Spectral Silt / Obsidian
Ankh Shield Spectral Silt / Obsidian
Scarlite Ring Umbrium Ingot
Phytoprostasia Amulet Umbrium Ingot
Stone of the Sea Glowing Ingot
Sin Pendant (empty) Spectral Silt
Gluttony Pendant Spectral Silt
Pride Pendant Spectral Silt
Wrath Pendant Spectral Silt
Ender Queen's Crown Glowing Ingot
Poison Stone Glowing Ingot
Obsidian Skull Spectral Silt
Dragon's Eye Glowing Ingot
Totem of Undying Emerald
Broken Heart Spectral Silt
Ankh Charm Spectral Silt
Mixed Color Dragon Scale Spectral Silt
Black Dragon Scale Spectral Silt
Forbidden Fruit Spectral Silt
Vitamins Spectral Silt
Ring of Overclocking Spectral Silt
Shulker Heart Spectral Silt
Ring of Free Action Spectral Silt
Sunglasses Spectral Silt
Bezoar Spectral Silt
Balloon Spectral Silt
Explosion Pickaxe Obsidian
Gamble Pickaxe Obsidian
Vein Pickaxe Obsidian
Hasty Pickaxe Obsidian
Obsidian Harvester Obsidian
Bound Pickaxe Obsidian
Bound Axe Obsidian
Bound Shovel Obsidian
Ring of Enchanted Eyes Glowing Ingot
Ring of the Fairies Glowing Ingot
Ring of the Dwarves Glowing Ingot
Ring of the Titans Glowing Ingot
Ring of the Goblins Glowing Ingot
Ring of the Elves Glowing Ingot
Ring of the Faeles Glowing Ingot
Ring of the Dragons Glowing Ingot
Wither Ring Glowing Ingot
Stone of Negative Gravity Glowing Ingot
Stone of Inertia Null Glowing Ingot
Stone of Greater Inertia Glowing Ingot
Polarized Stone Glowing Ingot
Shield of Honor Glowing Ingot
Arcing Orb Glowing Ingot
Teddy Bear Glowing Ingot
Faelis Claw Glowing Ingot