Weapon Traits

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Each weapon, with the exception of Longbow and Crossbow, has one or several weapon traits with various effects on combat.

Armor Piercing

"50% of damage inflicted ignores armor".

Applies to Warhammer.

Damage Absorption

"Negates 25% of damage taken at the cost of weapon durability".

Applies to Saber and Rapier.

Damage Bonus

Inflicts bonus damage to foes based on certain factors.

Chest Damage Bonus

"+50% damage when the foe has no Chest Armor and has less than 2.0 armor points."

Applies to Katana and Saber.

Riding Damage Bonus

"200% base weapon damage while riding a mount or vehicle".

Applies to Lance.

Throwing Damage Bonus

"0% to 100% damage bonus when thrown depending on the charge progress".

Applies to Throwing Axe, Throwing Knife and Javelin.

Unarmoured Damage Bonus

"+100 damage when the foe has no Armor and has less than 2.0 armor points".

Applies to Rapier.

Enhanced Knockback

Weapons with this trait will knock foes further away. This trait has the same effect as the vanilla Knockback enchantment of the same level. It stacks with vanilla Knockback, but not Advanced Knockback.

Applies to the Hammer

Nauseous Blow

Inflicts the Nausea II effect on a foes the weapon hits for 5 seconds.

Applies to the Club and the Hammer

Quick Strike

"This weapon can deal a flurry of quick blows with a very short hurt resistance time."

Applies to the Caestus.


Weapons with this trait, due to their length, are able to hit foes from further away.

Reach II increases the hit distance even further.

Applies to the Greatsword (I), Spear (Spartan Weaponry) (I), Halberd (I), Glaive (I), Pike (II) and the Lance (I)

Shield Breach

Has a chance to make a foes shield unusable for a period of time, just like using an axe does.

Also works on Shields from other mods, like Spartan Shields.

Applies to the Halberd


[1.12.2 only]

Weapons with this property will inflict 1 damage (I), half attack damage (II), or full attack damage (III) to all targets that get hit by the sweep attack.

Applies to the Glaive (I), Katana (I), Longsword (I), Saber (I), Quarterstaff (II), and the Greatsword (III)


Weapons with this trait can be thrown at foes, dealing the weapon's damage to the foe it hits. Applies to the Dagger, Throwing Knife, Throwing Axe and the Javelin.


Weapons with this trait are rather cumbersome to carry around and are optimally used with both hands. Attempting to use any item in your offhand will result in a Mining Fatigue effect being inflicted to the player, and attack speed will be reduced.

Two-Handed I will inflict Mining Fatigue II, while Two-Handed II will inflict Mining Fatigue III.

Applies to the Battleaxe (I), Glaive (I) Katana (I), Longsword (I), Pike (I), Quarterstaff (I), Warhammer (I), Halberd (II), and the Greatsword (II),


Can mine blocks the same an axe of identical material, at the same mining speed.

Applies to only the Battleaxe