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Grue is a Shadow Elemental mob from Lycanites Mobs that dwells in the depths of darkness.


Grues can drop Obsidian.png Obsidian, Ender Pearl.png Ender Pearl and rarely a  Grue Claw.


Purple particles emitted by an otherwise invisible Grue
  • Has the ability to phase through blocks
  • Is very quick and will often sneak up from behind in the darkness
  • After taking too much damage, will attempt to teleport directly behind the player and continue to attack, draining health
  • Inflicts Blindness when attacking

While idle, Grues are covered by a shroud of invisibility, but can be identified by the purple particles they emit and are also given away by a distinct sound. Grues often remain invisible until they first attack their target.



They can spawn on top of the player after a while in light level of 5 or less. The following chat messages, appearing in order, warn of a potential Grue:

  1. It is pitch black, you are likely to be eaten by something...
  2. You can hear sounds from the darkness itself... Quick, return to the light!
  3. A shadowy creature has spawned from the darkness!

Entering back into light before the third stage resets it:

  • The sounds seem to have stopped... For now at least...

Note: These messages display even if shadow mobs are disabled from spawning in the config menu.

A Scarlet Grue above the clouds at night (taken with Night Vision)


If a wild Argus and Cinder fuse, they can form a Lvl 20 Grue. If they are both Uncommon, the resulting Grue will also be.


If the player has a Knowledge Rank of 2 of the Argus and Cinder, they can be summoned as temporary allied minions with a  Summoning Staff. The two minions fuse into a Grue if they are close enough together. They can not be tamed, only temporarily summoned.


See Creature Levels for more information.

Grues, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the Lvl of a Grue. A Grue created by fusion will always be Lvl 20. Grues spawned in Dungeons will also be higher Lvl than normal.


For every Grue that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants; either Scarlet or Verdant. A Scarlet Grue is dark red, while a Verdant Grue is dark green. Uncommon Grues have double the health of a regular Grue. This does not change their behavior.

An Altar to summon a Lunar Grue

Lunar Grue

Grue Lunar.png

When a Grue spawns, there is a 0.5% chance for a Lunar Grue to spawn instead. It has a splotchy blue color and a boss bar. It deals double damage, attacks twice as fast, and has 20x the normal health. A Lunar Grue can inflict Slowness in addition to Blindness. Every time a one attacks you, all your armor will be unequipped.


A Lunar Grue can also spawn when a player creates an altar using 12 Obsidian.png Obsidian and 1 Block of Diamond.png Diamond Block (4 Obsidian up, 1 Diamond Block, 2 Obsidian up, 2 Obsidian to the left and right, 1 Obsidian down on the ends of the altar), and activates it by using a Soulkey.png Soulkey on the Diamond Block.


  • While one Grue alone is not extremely dangerous, the Blindness effect and health draining can mean trouble with other mobs nearby
  • They can phase through blocks, meaning that if one spawns in a cave underground it can come to the surface even in daytime
