Tameable Creatures (Lycanites)
Lycanites Mobs adds a lot of mobs to RLCraft, many of which can be tamed.
List of Tameable Creatures
Image | Creature name | Loyalty | Pet/Mount | Inventory slots | Land/Fly/Water | Type | Spirit Cost |
Afrit | 250 | Pet | 5 | Fly | Imp | 2 | |
Arix | 250 | Pet | 5 | Fly | Imp | 2 | |
Balayang | 500 | Pet | 5 | Fly | Beast | 2 | |
Barghest | 250 | Mount | 10 | Land | Beast | 4 | |
Beholder | 1000 | Mount | 5 | Fly | Aberration | 8 | |
Cacodemon | 500 | Mount | 5 | Fly | Demon | 2 | |
Chupacabra | 250 | Pet | 5 | Land | Beast | 4 | |
Cockatrice | 500 | Mount | 15 | Fly | Dragon | 8 | |
Crusk | 500 | Pet | 15 | Land | Worm | 8 | |
Dawon | 500 | Pet | 5 | Land | Beast | 4 | |
Epion | 1000 | Mount | 5 | Fly | Beast | 6 | |
Erepede | 500 | Mount | 5 | Land | Insect | 6 | |
Eyewig | 500 | Mount | 5 | Land | Insect | 4 | |
Feradon | 500 | Mount | 10 | Land | Beast | 4 | |
Gnekk | 250 | Pet | 5 | Land | Imp | 2 | |
Gorger | 500 | Pet | 15 | Land | Worm | 6 | |
Grell | 1000 | Mount | 5 | Fly | Aberration | 2 | |
Herma | 250 | Pet | 10 | Water | Aquatic | 4 | |
Ignibus | 3000 | Mount | 15 | Fly | Dragon | 10 | |
Ioray | 500 | Mount | 5 | Water | Aquatic | 4 | |
Lurker | 250 | Pet | 5 | Land | Insect | 4 | |
Maug | 500 | Mount | 10 | Land | Beast | 4 | |
Morock | 2000 | Mount | 10 | Fly | Dragon | 8 | |
Necrovore | 250 | Pet | 5 | Land | Undead | 4 | |
Pinky | 500 | Mount | 10 | Land | Demon | 4 | |
Quetzodracl | 2000 | Mount | 10 | Fly | Dragon | 10 | |
Quillbeast | 250 | Pet | 10 | Land | Beast | 4 | |
Raiko | 1000 | Mount | 5 | Fly | Avian | 8 | |
Roa | 500 | Mount | 10 | Water | Aquatic | 4 | |
Roc | 1000 | Mount | 5 | Fly | Avian | 8 | |
Salamander | 500 | Mount | 10 | Land | Amphibian | 4 | |
Serpix | 500 | Pet | 15 | Land | Worm | 8 | |
Shade | 500 | Mount | 10 | Land | Aberration | 4 | |
Shambler | 500 | Pet | 10 | Land | Plant | 4 | |
Stryder | 500 | Mount | 10 | Water | Aquatic | 4 | |
Thresher | 2000 | Mount | 15 | Water | Reptile | 6 | |
Uvaraptor | 500 | Mount | 10 | Land | Avian | 4 | |
Ventoraptor | 500 | Mount | 5 | Land | Avian | 4 | |
Vespid Queen | 500 | Neither | N/A | Fly | Insect | N/A | |
Warg | 500 | Mount | 5 | Land | Beast | 4 | |
Wildkin | 500 | Pet | 10 | Land | Anthronian | 6 | |
Zoataur | 2000 | Mount | 15 | Land | Dragon | 6 |
In order to tame a Lycanites creature, you need to first learn about them! (this also applies to summonable creatures)
When you first encounter a creature, you will gain Knowledge Level 1. You need to have Knowledge Level 2 to be able to tame a creature, and to reach it you will need a total of 1000 knowledge points. Here's a table of ways to earn them:
Way to gain knowledge | Amount of knowledge gain |
Killing | 25 |
Feeding (treats) | 50 |
Breeding | 200 |
Soulgazer | 100 |
Note: Variants give double knowledge.
Once you reached knowledge level 2 you can start taming creatures! This can only be done by giving them treats!
Once you give them a treat, a bar will appear on your screen. This is the loyalty bar.
Once a creature reaches half of the loyalty bar (bar will turn green), the creature will no longer be hostile. If you attack the creature, it will lose loyalty, making it hostile again.
When a creature reaches max loyalty it becomes tamed! You can use a soulstone to bind the creature to you (this is also known as soulbinding)!
You can check your soulbound creatures by pressing "b".
Summoning a creature costs Spirit points (you have a total of 10 Spirit Points).
If a creature that is soulbound dies, it keeps its inventory, and will respawn after 3 minutes.
Vespid Queens do not count as tames (and can not be tamed), loyalty only serves to make them friendly in order to access their hive safely.
Mountable creatures, depending on their type, need a specific saddle to be mounted. (e.g. a roc is an avian mob, so it needs an avian saddle)