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Bountiful is a Mod that adds Bounty Boards to villages and village-like structures (e.g., port city, friendly outpost).


  • Bounty boards are indestructible and cannot be crafted. They need to have villagers to generate bounties.
  • Each bounty takes 2 minutes (2400 ticks) to generate. This time is reduced the more villagers are near it (maximum of 15 villagers).
  • The minimum amount of time a bounty can have is 10 minutes (12000 ticks).
  • The timer on a bounty starts counting when it is generated.


Bounties will always have 1 or 2 objectives to complete. Those objectives can be:

  • Deliver items
  • Kill mobs


  • To complete a bounty, the player must right click any bounty board with it (doesn't have to be the bounty board that generated it).
  • To complete the "kill mobs" objective you must have the bounty in your inventory


There are 4 rarity tiers of bounties. The rarer the bounty is, the more xp it gives when completes and more Worth Units it has.

Rarity XP gain Worth Multiplier Chance to generate
Common 4 1 70%
Uncommon 8 1.2 21%
Rare 12 1.4 6.3%
Epic 20 2 2.7%


Name Minimum Maximum Unit worth Weight
Dirt 16 128 1 100
Stone 16 128 3 100
Cobblestone 16 128 2 100
Marble 16 128 5 100
Slate 16 128 5 100
Jasper 16 128 5 100
Limestone 16 128 5 100
Red Rock 16 128 5 100
Blue Rock 16 128 5 100
River Fish 1 16 20 100
Mountain Fish 1 16 20 100
Ocean Fish 1 8 50 50
Tropical Fish 1 8 20 50
Apple 1 32 15 100
Book 1 16 25 75
Cactus 1 32 30 75
Cincinnasite 1 32 200 50
Diamond 1 32 200 50
Iron Ingot 1 32 50 25
Coal 1 32 25 25
Hephaestite Shard 1 32 50 25
Umbrium Ingot 1 32 100 25
Scarlite 1 32 400 25
Bread 1 32 10 100
Rotten Flesh 1 32 10 50
Sign 1 16 10 50
Dispenser 1 1 50 50
Slime Ball 1 32 80 25
Spider Eye 1 16 70 20
String 1 32 10 30
Sugar 1 32 15 20
Tripwire Hook 1 8 75 10
Wheat 1 64 8 60
Leather 1 32 12 60
Skeleton Skull 1 1 2500 10
Wither Skeleton Skull 1 1 2500 10
Zombie Skull 1 1 2500 10
Creeper Skull 1 1 2500 10
Zombie 1 8 250 40
Skeleton 1 8 250 40
Witch 1 1 1000 15
Blaze 1 3 500 15
Cave Spider 1 5 200 30
Creeper 1 3 300 40
Elder Guardian 1 1 1500 10
Enderman 1 3 500 20
Evoker 1 1 3000 10
Ghast 1 3 1000 10
Guardian 1 3 400 10
Husk 1 8 250 40
Magma Cuba 1 5 200 20
Shulker 1 5 500 10
Slime Ball 1 5 400 20
Spider 1 8 200 40
Stray 1 8 250 20
Wither Skeleton 1 5 400 20
Zombie Pigman 1 8 250 20
Vindicator 1 3 500 10
Pirate 1 5 1000 10
Defiled Slime 1 5 400 10
Twisted Shambler 1 1 1000 10
Trumpet Skeleton 1 1 500 10
Shambler (Defiled Lands) 1 1 750 10
Scuttler 1 5 200 10
The Destroyer 1 1 1500 10
The Mourner 1 1 1500 10
Battle Tower Golem 1 1 3000 10
Abaia 1 5 250 10
Abtu 1 5 250 10
Afrit 1 5 250 10
Aglebemu 1 5 250 10
Archvile 1 3 500 10
Argus 1 1 1000 10
Arix 1 5 250 10
Astaroth 1 2 500 10
Banshee 1 3 300 10
Barghest 1 3 300 10
Behemoth 1 3 500 10
Belph 1 5 250 10
Calpod 1 3 250 10
Cephignis 1 3 300 10
Chupacabra 1 5 250 10
Cinder 1 5 250 10
Clink 1 5 250 10
Cockatrice (Lycanites Mobs) 1 1 1000 10
Conba 1 5 250 10
Concapede 1 3 300 10
Crusk 1 1 500 10
Cryptkeeper 1 3 250 10
Lobber 1 1 500 10
Darkling 1 3 250 10
Dawon 1 3 300 10
Stryder 1 3 300 10
Eechetik 1 3 300 10
Ent 1 3 250 10
Epion 1 3 250 10
Erepede 1 2 300 10
Ettin 1 2 400 10
Eyewig 1 3 250 10
Feradon 1 3 300 10
Frostweaver 1 5 250 10
Geist 1 2 300 10
Geken 1 3 250 10
Geonach 1 3 250 10
Ghoul 1 3 250 10
Gnekk 1 3 250 10
Gorgomite 1 3 250 10
Grell 1 1 500 10
Grigori 1 5 250 10
Grue 1 3 250 10
Herma 1 3 250 10
Ignibus 1 1 1000 10
Ioray 1 3 250 10
Jabberwock 1 3 250 10
Jengu 1 5 250 10
Jouste Alpha 1 5 250 10
Pinky 1 3 500 10
Khalk 1 1 1000 10
Lacedon 1 3 250 10
Tarantula 1 3 300 10
Cacodemon 1 5 400 10
Balayang 1 5 250 10
Maug 1 3 250 10
Morock 1 2 750 10
Beholder 1 2 400 10
Lurker 1 3 250 10
Pixen 1 3 200 10
Quetzodracl 1 2 750 10
Raiko 1 3 250 10
Reaper 1 3 250 10
Reiver 1 5 250 10
Remobra 1 5 250 10
Roa 1 2 500 10
Roc 1 3 250 10
Zephyr 1 3 300 10
Salamander 1 3 300 10
Serpix 1 1 500 10
Shade 1 2 300 10
Shambler (Lycanites Mobs) 1 3 250 10
Skylus 1 3 250 10
Spectre (Lycanites Mobs) 1 3 300 10
Spriggan 1 3 250 10
Sutiramu 1 3 300 10
Sylph 1 3 250 10
Thresher 1 1 1000 10
Treant 1 1 1500 10
Tremor 1 3 250 10
Triffid 1 2 400 10
Trite 1 5 250 10
Troll (Lycanites) 1 3 300 10
Uvaraptor 1 3 300 10
Gorger 1 1 500 10
Vapula 1 1 400 10
Ventoraptor 1 3 300 10
Vespid 1 5 250 10
Vespid Queen 1 1 500 10
Volcan 1 1 400 10
Vorach 1 1 800 10
Warg 1 3 300 10
Wendigo 1 1 300 10
Wildkin 1 3 250 10
Wraamon 1 5 200 10
Wraith 1 5 250 10
Xaphan 1 5 200 10
Zoataur 1 1 500 10
Djinn 1 5 250 10
Fire Dragon 1 1 2000 10
Ice Dragon 1 1 3000 10
Sea Serpent 1 1 2000 10
Cockatrice (Ice And Fire) 1 5 300 10
Troll (Ice And Fire) 1 3 400 10
Myrmex Queen 1 1 1500 10
Myrmex Royal 1 5 250 10
Myrmex Sentinel 1 5 250 10
Myrmex Worker 1 5 250 10
Myrmex Soldier 1 5 250 10
Cyclops 1 1 1000 10
Death Worm 1 5 250 10
Gorgon 1 1 1000 10
Siren 1 5 200 10
Stymphalian Bird 1 5 250 10
Bluegill 1 8 150 15
Perch 1 8 150 15
Gar 1 8 150 15
Bass 1 8 150 15
Muskellunge 1 8 200 15
Brown Trout 1 8 200 15
Catfish 1 8 250 15
Carp 1 8 300 15
Blowfish 1 8 200 15
Red Grouper 1 8 250 15
Salmon 1 8 200 15
Tuna 1 8 250 15
Sword Fish 1 4 500 15
Shark 1 4 750 15
Whale 1 4 1000 15
Squid 1 4 900 15
Jellyfish 1 8 480 15
Frog 1 8 250 15
Turtle 1 4 480 15
Leech 1 8 250 15
Pirahna 1 8 360 15
Electric Eel 1 8 240 15
Tambaqui 1 4 600 15
Arapaima 1 8 720 15
Cod 1 8 200 15
Pollock 1 8 200 15
Herring 1 8 200 15
Halibut 1 8 240 15
Pink Salmon 1 8 300 15
Rainbow Trout 1 4 420 15
Blackfish 1 8 360 15
Capitaine 1 8 720 15
Boulti 1 8 360 15
Bagrid 1 8 480 15
Syndontis 1 8 600 15
Red Shrooma 1 4 3000 15
Brown Shrooma 1 4 3000 15
Goldfish 1 8 480 15
Fish Bones 1 4 3000 15
Jellyfish 1 8 240 15
Magma Jellyfish 1 4 1200 15
Mud Tuna 1 8 300 15
Frost Minnow 1 8 360 15
Piranha 1 8 360 15
Golden Koi 1 4 400 15
Specular Snapper 1 4 720 15
Cave Trout 1 4 960 15
Obsidian Bream 1 4 600 15
Nether Sturgeon 1 4 1200 15
Quartz Chub 1 4 1200 15
Flarefin Koi 1 4 1200 15
Blaze Pike 1 4 1200 15
Ender Shad 1 4 2200 15
Pearl Sardine 1 4 2200 15
Chorus Koi 1 4 2200 15
Explosive Crucian 1 8 360 15
Ruffe 1 8 300 15
Sparkling Eel 1 8 360 15
Angelfish 1 8 420 15
Angler Fish 1 4 720 15
Sponge Eater 1 8 300 15
Snowy Walleye 1 8 360 15
Squid 1 4 250 15
Withered Crucian 1 4 1200 15
Sandy Bass 1 8 360 15
Mandarinfish 1 4 420 15
Red Shroomfin 1 4 3000 15
Brown Shroomfin 1 4 3000 15
Fingi Catfish 1 4 1200 15
Sawmp Plaice 1 8 300 15
Crystal Mullet 1 8 1100 15
Charged Bullhead 1 8 1100 15
Abyssal Lurker 1 8 600 15
Sunfish 1 8 360 15
Glacier Anchovy 1 8 420 15
Catfish 1 8 200 15
Pike 1 8 360 15
Magikarp 1 1 12000 15
Green Jellyfish 1 4 1200 15
Bonefish 1 4 1200 15
Cursed Koi 1 4 1200 15
Spookyfin 1 4 1200 15
Trumpet 1 1 4000 10
Raw Porkchop 1 32 15 40
Raw Beef 1 32 10 40
Raw Chicken 1 32 20 40
Raw Rabbit 1 32 30 40
Raw Mutton 1 32 15 40
Raw Turkey Leg 1 32 30 40
Raw Venison 1 32 30 40
Raw Squid 1 32 25 40
Conba Butt 1 1 300 15
Quillbeast Quill 1 1 150 15
Iron Paxel 1 1 100 15
Wooden Paxel 1 1 50 15
Wooden Guard 1 1 50 15
Iron Guard 1 1 100 15
Iron Axe Head 1 1 150 15
Iron Pike Joint 1 1 150 15
Golden Scepter Head 1 1 200 15
Raw Bobeko Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Jouste Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Krake Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Yale Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Pinky Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Aspid Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Concapede Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Ika Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Arisaur Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Silex Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Maka Meat 1 16 30 30
Raw Chupacabra Meat 1 16 30 30
Iron Dagger (Spartan) 1 1 300 25
Iron Longsword 1 1 300 25
Iron Katana 1 1 300 25
Iron Saber 1 1 300 25
Iron Rapier 1 1 300 25
Iron Greatsword 1 1 300 25
Iron Hammer 1 1 300 25
Iron Warhammer 1 1 300 25
Iron Spear 1 1 300 25
Iron Halberd 1 1 300 25
Iron Pike 1 1 300 25
Iron Lance 1 1 300 25
Iron-Strengthened Longbow 1 1 300 25
Iron-Strengthened Crossbow 1 1 300 25
Iron Battleaxe 1 1 300 25
Iron Flanged Mace 1 1 300 25
Iron Glaive 1 1 300 25
Iron Quarterstaff 1 1 300 25
Diamond Dagger (Spartan) 1 1 600 25
Diamond Longsword 1 1 600 25
Diamond Katana 1 1 600 25
Diamond Saber 1 1 600 25
Diamond Rapier 1 1 600 25
Diamond Greatsword 1 1 600 25
Diamond Hammer 1 1 600 25
Diamond Warhammer 1 1 600 25
Diamond Spear 1 1 600 25
Diamond Halberd 1 1 600 25
Diamond Pike 1 1 600 25
Diamond Lance 1 1 600 25
Diamond-Strengthened Longbow 1 1 600 25
Diamond-Strengthened Crossbow 1 1 600 25
Diamond Battleaxe 1 1 600 25
Diamond Flanged Mace 1 1 600 25
Diamond Glaive 1 1 600 25
Diamond Quarterstaff 1 1 600 25
Compact Porkchop 1 1 1000 1
Blossoming Leaves 1 32 200 15
Biotite 1 32 300 10
White Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Red Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Orange Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Yellow Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Green Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Blue Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Indigo Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Violet Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Black Cave Crystal 1 8 300 10
Glowshroom 1 8 150 20
Shulker Heart 1 1 3000 10
Ring Of Overclocking 1 1 3000 10
Bezoar 1 1 2000 10
Black Apple 1 8 150 20
Bone Mushroom Spores 1 16 150 10
Fire Dragon Flesh 1 8 300 20
Ice Dragon Flesh 1 8 300 20
Fire Dragon Heart 1 1 800 20
Ice Dragon Heart 1 1 800 20
Fire Dragon Blood 1 1 1200 20
Ice Dragon Blood 1 1 1200 20
Troll Tusk 1 3 400 20
Sea Serpent Fang 1 3 400 20
Desert Myrmex Resin Chunk 1 8 100 20
Jungle Myrmex Resin Chunk 1 8 100 20
Heath Container 1 1 500 15
Crafting Rune 1 1 3000 15
Witch Hat 1 1 4000 15
Archaeologist Hat 1 1 4000 15
Pirate Hat 1 1 3000 15
Healing Potion 1 3 300 40


Name Minimum Maximum Unit worth Weight
Silver Nugget 1 16 5 80
Gold Nugget 1 64 10 100
Emerald 1 32 1 90
Iron Sword (Enchanted) 1 1 750 5
Leather Helmet 1 1 100 10
Leather Chestplate 1 1 100 10
Leather Leggings 1 1 100 10
Iron Chestplate 1 1 300 5
Golden Chestplate 1 1 200 5
Bottle o 'Enchanting 1 16 20 50
Torch 16 64 2 60
Arrow of Decay 8 32 25 5
Arrow of Weakness 8 32 25 5
Arrow of Harming 8 32 25 5
Arrow of Poison 8 32 25 5
Arrow of Vulnerable 8 32 25 5
Wooden Fishing Rod 1 1 250 30
Iron Fishing Rod 1 1 250 20
Diamond Fishing Rod 1 1 250 10
Cooling Goo 1 8 50 5
Heating Goo 1 8 50 5
Sleeping Bag 1 1 100 5
Dirt Bucket 1 1 1 1
Cleansing Talisman 1 1 750 50
Half Hearted Modifier Book 1 1 900 10
Hearty Modifier Book 1 1 900 10
Hard Modifier Book 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Guarding) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Armored) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Warding) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Jagged) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Spiked) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Angry) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Menacing) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Brisk) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Fleeting) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Hasty) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Quick) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Wild) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Rash) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (intrepid) 1 1 900 10
Modifier Book (Violent) 1 1 900 10
Bandage 1 16 25 30
Plaster 1 16 25 30
Morphine 1 5 25 5
Bandages 1 4 25 30
Medkit 1 4 50 30
Glowing Powder 1 3 200 5
Heart Dust 1 3 100 5
Switch Bow 1 1 1000 10
Switch Crossbow 1 1 1000 10
Quiver (Switchbow) 1 1 1000 10
Bow (Enchanted ) 1 1 1500 10
Trumpet (Enchanted) 1 1 3000 5
Grave Scroll 1 3 100 10
Cooked Bobeko Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Jouste Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Krake Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Yale Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Pinky Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Aspid Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Concapede Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Ika Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Arisaur Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Silex Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Maka Meat 1 8 100 25
Cooked Chupacabra Meat 1 8 100 25
Mana Candy 8 32 100 20
Lightning-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Explosive Arrow 8 32 25 20
Frost-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Air-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Teleport-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Vampire-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Wither-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Torch-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Sliver-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Underwater-Arrow 8 32 25 20
Diamond Arrow 8 32 50 30
Wooden Arrow 8 64 5 10
Fire-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Bone-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Rocket-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Redstone-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Burial-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Triple-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Protector-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Knockback-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Bouncy-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Arrow Of The Searcher 8 32 25 10
Piercing-Arrow 8 32 25 10
Bolt 8 32 25 20
Diamond Bolt 8 32 50 30
Ozzy Chestplate Liner 1 1 1000 20
Ozzy Leggings Liner 1 1 1000 20
Warp Scroll 1 3 100 30
Return Scroll 1 3 50 30
Ancient Tome (Feather Falling IV) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Thorns III) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Sharpness V) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Smite V) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Bane of Arthropods V) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Knockback II) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Fire Aspect II) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Looting III) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Sweeping Edge III) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Efficiency V) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Unbreaking III) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Fortune III) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Power V) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Punch II) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Luck of the Sea III) 1 1 1000 10
Ancient Tome (Lure III) 1 1 1000 10
Greenhouse Glass 8 16 10 50
Plant Treat 4 16 50 10
Dragon Treat 4 16 50 10
Demon Treat 4 16 50 10
Imp Treat 4 16 50 10
Aberration Treat 4 16 50 10
Avian Treat 4 16 50 10
Amphibian Treat 4 16 50 10
Anthronian Treat 4 16 50 10
Undead Treat 4 16 50 10
Worm Treat 4 16 50 10
Beast Treat 4 16 50 10
Insect Treat 4 16 50 10
Aquatic Treat 4 16 50 10
Reptile Treat 4 16 50 10
Neptune's Bounty 1 4 100 10
Medikit 1 1 1000 10
Enchanted Medikit 1 1 2000 10